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Pure Quantum Correlations Between Bright Optical Beams

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 Added by Jia Xiaojun
 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The pure quantum correlations totally independent of the classical coherence of light have been experimentally demonstrated. By measuring the visibility of the interference fringes and the correlation variances of amplitude and phase quadratures between a pair of bright twin optical beams with different frequencies produced from a non-degenerate optical parametric oscillator, we found that when classical interference became worse even vanished, the quadrature quantum correlations were not influenced, completely. The presented experiment obviously shows the quantum correlations of light do not necessarily imply the classical coherence.

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Entanglement engineering plays a central role in quantum-enhanced technologies, with potential physical platforms that outperform their classical counterparts. However, free electrons remain largely unexplored despite their great capacity to encode and manipulate quantum information, due in part the lack of a suitable theoretical framework. Here we link theoretical concepts from quantum information to available free-electron sources. Specifically, we consider the interactions among electrons propagating near the surface of a polariton-supporting medium, and study the entanglement induced by pair-wise coupling. These correlations depend on controlled interaction interval and the initial electron bandwidth. We show that long interaction times of broadband electrons extend their temporal coherence. This in turn is revealed through a widened Hong-Ou-Mandel peak, and associated with an increased entanglement entropy. We then introduce a discrete basis of electronic temporal-modes, and discriminate between them via coincidence detection with a shaped probe. This paves the way for ultrafast quantum information transfer by means of free electrons, rendering the large alphabet that they span in the time domain accessible.
Both coherence and entanglement stem from the superposition principle, capture quantumness of a physical system, and play a central role in quantum physics. In a multipartite quantum system, coherence and quantum correlations are closely connected. In particular, it has been established that quantum coherence of a bipartite state is an important resource for its conversion to entanglement [A. Streltsov {it et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. {bf 115}, 020403 (2015)] and to quantum discord [J. Ma {it et al}., Phys. Rev. Lett. {bf 116}, 160407 (2016)]. We show here that there is a very close association between partial coherence introduced by Luo and Sun [S. Luo and Y. Sun, Phys. Rev. A {bf 96}, 022136 (2017)] and quantum correlations (quantified by quantum discord) in both directions. Furthermore, we propose families of coherence measures in terms of quantum correlations and quantum Fisher information.
369 - Gaelle Keller 2008
We report the first experimental observation of bright EPR beams produced by a type-II optical parametric oscillator operating above threshold at frequency degeneracy. The degenerate operation is obtained by introducing a birefringent plate inside the cavity resulting in phase locking. After filtering the pump noise, which plays a critical role, continuous-variable EPR correlations between the orthogonally polarized signal and idler beams are demonstrated.
We have experimentally demonstrated how two beams of light separated by an octave in frequency can become entangled after their interaction in a second-order nonlinear medium. The entangler consisted of a nonlinear crystal placed within an optical resonator that was strongly driven by coherent light at the fundamental and second-harmonic wavelengths. An inter-conversion between the fields created quantum correlations in the amplitude and phase quadratures, which were measured by two independent homodyne detectors. Analysis of the resulting correlation matrix revealed a wavefunction inseparability of 0.74(1) < 1 thereby satisfying the criterion of entanglement.
174 - J. Munoz , D. Seidel , J. G. Muga 2008
We examine the connection between the dwell time of a quantum particle in a region of space and flux-flux correlations at the boundaries. It is shown that the first and second moments of a flux-flux correlation function which generalizes a previous proposal by Pollak and Miller [E. Pollak and W. H. Miller, Phys. Rev. Lett. {bf 53}, 115 (1984)], agree with the corresponding moments of the dwell-time distribution, whereas the third and higher moments do not. We also discuss operational approaches and approximations to measure the flux-flux correlation function and thus the second moment of the dwell time, which is shown to be characteristically quantum, and larger than the corresponding classical moment even for freely moving particles.
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