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FERENGI: Redshifting galaxies from SDSS to GEMS, STAGES and COSMOS

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 Added by Knud Jahnke
 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We describe the creation of a set of artificially redshifted galaxies in the range 0.1<z<1.1 using a set of ~100 SDSS low redshift (v<7000 km/s) images as input. The intention is to generate a training set of realistic images of galaxies of diverse morphologies and a large range of redshifts for the GEMS and COSMOS galaxy evolution projects. This training set allows other studies to investigate and quantify the effects of cosmological redshift on the determination of galaxy morphologies, distortions and other galaxy properties that are potentially sensitive to resolution, surface brightness and bandpass issues. We use galaxy images from the SDSS in the u, g, r, i, z filter bands as input, and computed new galaxy images from these data, resembling the same galaxies as located at redshifts 0.1<z<1.1 and viewed with the Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys (HST ACS). In this process we take into account angular size change, cosmological surface brightness dimming, and spectral change. The latter is achieved by interpolating a spectral energy distribution that is fit to the input images on a pixel-to-pixel basis. The output images are created for the specific HST ACS point spread function and the filters used for GEMS (F606W and F850LP) and COSMOS (F814W). All images are binned onto the desired pixel grids (0.03 for GEMS and 0.05 for COSMOS) and corrected to an appropriate point spread function. Noise is added corresponding to the data quality of the two projects and the images are added onto empty sky pieces of real data images. We make these datasets available from our website, as well as the code - FERENGI: Full and Efficient Redshifting of Ensembles of Nearby Galaxy Images - to produce datasets for other redshifts and/or instruments.

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We study the colors, structural properties, and star formation histories of a sample of ~1600 dwarfs over look-back times of ~3 Gyr (z=0.002-0.25). The sample consists of 401 distant dwarfs drawn from the Galaxy Evolution from Morphologies and SEDs (GEMS) survey, which provides high resolution Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) images and accurate redshifts, and of 1291 dwarfs at 10-90 Mpc compiled from the Sloan Digitized Sky Survey (SDSS). We find that the GEMS dwarfs are bluer than the SDSS dwarfs, which is consistent with star formation histories involving starbursts and periods of continuous star formation. The full range of colors cannot be reproduced by single starbursts or constant star formation alone. We derive the star formation rates of the GEMS dwarfs and estimate the mechanical luminosities needed for a complete removal of their gas. We find that a large fraction of luminous dwarfs are likely to retain their gas, whereas fainter dwarfs are susceptible to a significant gas loss, if they would experience a starburst.
We present the evolution of the luminosity-size and stellar mass-size relations of luminous (L_V>3.4x10^10h_70^-2L_sun) and of massive (M_*>3x10^10h_70^-2M_sun) galaxies in the last ~11 Gyr. We use very deep near-infrared images of the Hubble Deep Field-South and the MS1054-03 field in the J_s, H and K_s bands from FIRES to retrieve the sizes in the optical rest-frame for galaxies with z>1. We combine our results with those from GEMS at 0.2<z<1 and SDSS at z~0.1 to achieve a comprehensive picture of the optical rest-frame size evolution from z=0 to z=3. Galaxies are differentiated according to their light concentration using the Sersic index n. For less concentrated objects, the galaxies at a given luminosity were typically ~3+-0.5 (+-2 sigma) times smaller at z~2.5 than those we see today. The stellar mass-size relation has evolved less: the mean size at a given stellar mass was ~2+-0.5 times smaller at z~2.5, evolving proportional to (1+z)^{-0.40+-0.06}. Simple scaling relations between dark matter halos and baryons in a hierarchical cosmogony predict a stronger (although consistent within the error bars) than observed evolution of the stellar mass-size relation. The observed luminosity-size evolution out to z~2.5 matches well recent infall model predictions for Milky-Way type objects. For low-n galaxies, the evolution of the stellar mass-size relation would follow naturally if the individual galaxies grow inside-out. For highly concentrated objects, the situation is as follows: at a given luminosity, these galaxies were ~2.7+-1.1 times smaller at z~2.5 (or put differently, were typically ~2.2+-0.7 mag brighter at a given size than they are today), and at a given stellar mass the size has evolved proportional to (1+z)^{-0.45+-0.10}.
112 - N. Jackson 2009
The incidence of sub-galactic level substructures is an important quantity, as it is a generic prediction of high-resolution Cold Dark Matter (CDM) models which is susceptible to observational test. Confrontation of theory with observations is currently in an uncertain state. In particular, gravitational lens systems appear to show evidence for flux ratio anomalies, which are expected from CDM substructures although not necessarily in the same range of radius as observed. However, the current small samples of lenses suggest that the lens galaxies in these systems are unusually often accompanied by luminous galaxies. Here we investigate a large sample of unlensed elliptical galaxies from the COSMOS survey, and determine the fraction of objects with satellites, in excess of background counts, as a function of satellite brightness and separation from the primary object. We find that the incidence of luminous satellites within 20 kpc is typically a few tenths of one percent for satellites of a few tenths of the primary flux, comparable to what is observed for the wider but shallower SDSS survey. Although the environments of lenses in the SLACS survey are compatible with this observation, the CLASS radio survey lenses are significantly in excess of this.
Data from the SPectroscopic IDentification of ERosita Sources (SPIDERS) are searched for a detection of the gravitational redshifting of light from $sim!20,000$ galaxies in $sim!2500$ galaxy clusters using three definitions of the cluster centre: its Brightest Cluster Galaxy (BCG), the redMaPPer identified Central Galaxy (CG), or the peak of X-ray emission. Distributions of velocity offsets between galaxies and their host clusters centre, found using observed redshifts, are created. The quantity $hat{Delta}$, the average of the radial velocity difference between the cluster members and the cluster systemic velocity, reveals information on the size of a combination of effects on the observed redshift, dominated by gravitational redshifting. The change of $hat{Delta}$ with radial distance is predicted for SPIDERS galaxies in General Relativity (GR), and $f(R)$ gravity, and compared to the observations. The values of $hat{Delta}=-13.5pm4.7$ km s$^{-1}$, $hat{Delta}=-12.5pm5.1$ km s$^{-1}$, and $hat{Delta}=-18.6pm4.8$ km s$^{-1}$ for the BCG, X-ray and CG cases respectively broadly agree with the literature. There is no significant preference of one gravity theory over another, but all cases give a clear detection ($>2.5sigma$) of $hat{Delta}$. The BCG centroid is deemed to be the most robust method in this analysis, due to no well defined central redshift when using an X-ray centroid, and CGs identified by redMaPPer with no associated spectroscopic redshift. For future gravitational redshift studies, an order of magnitude more galaxies, $sim!500,000$, will be required-a possible feat with the forthcoming Vera C. Rubin Observatory, Euclid and eROSITA.
We present a study of the colors, structural properties, and star formation histories for a sample of ~1600 dwarfs over look-back times of ~3 Gyr (z=0.002-0.25). The sample consists of 401 distant dwarfs drawn from the Galaxy Evolution from Morphologies and SEDs (GEMS) survey, which provides high resolution Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) images and accurate redshifts, and of 1291 dwarfs at 10-90 Mpc compiled from the Sloan Digitized Sky Survey (SDSS). The sample is complete down to an effective surface brightness of 22 mag arcsec^-2 in z and includes dwarfs with M_g=-18.5 to -14 mag. Rest-frame luminosities in Johnson UBV and SDSS ugr filters are provided by the COMBO-17 survey and structural parameters have been determined by Sersic fits. We find that the GEMS dwarfs are bluer than the SDSS dwarfs by ~0.13 mag in g-r, which is consistent with the color evolution over ~2 Gyr of star formation histories involving moderate starbursts and long periods of continuous star formation. The full color range of the samples cannot be reproduced by single starbursts of different masses or long periods of continuous star formation alone. Furthermore, an estimate of the mechanical luminosities needed for the gas in the GEMS dwarfs to be completely removed from the galaxies shows that a significant number of low luminosity dwarfs are susceptible to such a complete gas loss, if they would experience a starburst. On the other hand, a large fraction of more luminous dwarfs is likely to retain their gas. We also estimate the star formation rates per unit area for the GEMS dwarfs and find good agreement with the values for local dwarfs.
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