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We examine the variability in the intrinsic absorption in the Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 279 using three epochs of observations from the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) and two epochs of observations with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph on the Hubble Space Telescope. Rather than finding simple photoionization responses of the absorbing gas to changes in the underlying continuum, the observed changes in the absorption profiles can be understood more clearly if the effective covering fraction of the gas in all emission components, continuum and broad and intermediate velocity width emission lines, is accounted for. While we do not uniquely solve for all of these separate covering fractions and the ionic column densities using the spectral data, we examine the parameter space using previously well-constrained solutions for continuum and single emission component covering fractions. Assuming full coverage of the continuum, we find that of the two velocity components of the Mrk 279 absorption most likely associated with its outflow, one likely has zero coverage of the intermediate line region while the other does not. For each component, however, the broad line region is more fully covered than the intermediate line region. Changes in the O VI column densities are unconstrained due to saturation, but we show that small changes in the nonsaturated C IV and N V column densities are consistent with the outflow gas having zero or partial covering of the intermediate line region and an ionization parameter changing from ~0.01 to ~0.1 from 2002 to 2003 as the UV continuum flux increased by a factor of ~8. The absence of a change in the C III absorbing column density is attributed to this species arising outside the Mrk 279 outflow.
We present a study of the intrinsic X-ray and far-ultraviolet absorption in the Seyfert 1.5 galaxy Markarian 279 using simultaneous observations from the Chandra X-ray Observatory, the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph aboard the Hubble Space Telescope, and the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE). We also present FUSE observations made at three additional epochs. We detect the Fe K-alpha emission line in the Chandra spectrum, and its flux is consistent with the low X-ray continuum flux level of Mrk 279 at the time of the observation. Due to low signal-to-noise ratios in the Chandra spectrum, no O VII or O VIII absorption features are observable in the Chandra data, but the UV spectra reveal strong and complex absorption from HI and high-ionization species such as O VI, N V, and C IV, as well as from low-ionization species such as C III, N III, C II, and N II in some velocity components. The far-UV spectral coverage of the FUSE data provides information on high-order Lyman series absorption, which we use to calculate the optical depths and line and continuum covering fractions in the intrinsic HI absorbing gas in a self-consistent fashion. The UV continuum flux of Mrk 279 decreases by a factor of ~7.5 over the time spanning these observations and we discuss the implications of the response of the absorption features to this change. From arguments based on the velocities, profile shapes, covering fractions and variability of the UV absorption, we conclude that some of the absorption components, particularly those showing prominent low-ionization lines, are likely associated with the host galaxy of Mrk 279, and possibly with its interaction with a close companion galaxy, while the remainder arises in a nuclear outflow.
We present far-ultraviolet spectra of the Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 509 obtained in 1999 November with the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE). Our data span the observed wavelength range 915-1185 A at a resolution of ~20 km/s. The spectrum shows a blue continuum, broad OVI 1032,1038 emission, and a broad CIII 977 emission line. Superposed on these emission components, we resolve associated absorption lines of OVI 1032,1038, CIII 977, and Lyman lines through Lzeta. Seven distinct kinematic components are present, spanning a velocity range of -440 to +170 km/s relative to the systemic velocity. The absorption is clustered in two groups, one centered at -370m km/s and another at the systemic velocity. The blue-shifted cluster may be associated with the extended line emission visible in deep images of Mrk 509 obtained by Phillips et al. Although several components appear to be saturated, they are not black at their centers. Partial covering or scattering permits ~7% of the broad-line or continuum flux to be unaffected by absorption. Of the multiple components, only one has the same ionization state and column density as highly ionized gas that produces the OVII and OVIII ionization edges in X-ray spectra of Mrk 509. This paper will appear in a special issue of Astrophysical Journal Letters devoted to the first scientific results from the FUSE mission.
We present an analysis of the intrinsic UV absorption in the Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 279 based on simultaneous long observations with the Hubble Space Telescope (41 ks) and the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (91 ks). To extract the line-of-sight covering factors and ionic column densities, we separately fit two groups of absorption lines: the Lyman series and the CNO lithium-like doublets. For the CNO doublets we assume that all three ions share the same covering factors. The fitting method applied here overcomes some limitations of the traditional method using individual doublet pairs; it allows for the treatment of more complex, physically realistic scenarios for the absorption-emission geometry and eliminates systematic errors that we show are introduced by spectral noise. We derive velocity-dependent solutions based on two models of geometrical covering -- a single covering factor for all background emission sources, and separate covering factors for the continuum and emission lines. Although both models give good statistical fits to the observed absorption, we favor the model with two covering factors because: (a) the best-fit covering factors for both emission sources are similar for the independent Lyman series and CNO doublet fits; (b) the fits are consistent with full coverage of the continuum source and partial coverage of the emission lines by the absorbers, as expected from the relative sizes of the nuclear emission components; and (c) it provides a natural explanation for variability in the Ly$alpha$ absorption detected in an earlier epoch. We also explore physical and geometrical constraints on the outflow from these results.
We present results from a coordinated FUSE, HST/STIS and Chandra campaign to study intrinsic UV and X-ray absorption in the outflow of the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 7469. Previous non-simultaneous observations of this outflow found two distinct UV absorption components, one of which likely corresponds to the X-ray absorber. The FUSE data reveal that the O VI absorption in this component has strengthened over time, as the continuum flux decreased. We use measured H I, N V, C IV, and O VI column densities to model self-consistently the photoionization state of the absorbers. We confirm the physical picture of the outflow in which the low velocity component is a highly ionized, high density absorber located near the broad emission line region, while the high velocity component is of lower density and resides farther from the central engine.
Energy spectra of gamma-ray blazars may contain an imprint from the cosmic infrared background radiation due to gamma-ray absorption (pair-production) by soft photons constituting the extragalactic background light (EBL). The signature of this imprint depends on the spectral shape of the EBL. In this work we correct the observed spectra of Mrk 421 and Mrk 501 for absorption using different possible realizations of the EBL, consistent with the most recent detections and limits. We present the intrinsic gamma-ray spectrum of these sources for the different EBL scenarios. These spectra reveal their true peak energy and luminosities, which provide important information on the nature and physical characteristics of the particle acceleration mechanism operating in these sources.