Measurement of the quadratic Zeeman shift of ^{85}Rb hyperfine sublevels using stimulated Raman transitions

Abstract in English

We demonstrate a technique for directly measuring the quadratic Zeeman shift using stimulated Raman transitions.The quadratic Zeeman shift has been measured yielding [delta][nju] = 1296.8 +/-3.3 Hz/G^{2} for magnetically insensitive sublevels (5S1/2, F = 2,mF = 0 -> 5S1/2, F = 3,mF = 0) of ^{85}Rb by compensating the magnetic eld and cancelling the ac Stark shift. We also measured the cancellation ratio of the differential ac Stark shift due to the imbalanced Raman beams by using two pairs of Raman beams ([sigma]^{+}, [sigma]^{+}) and it is 1:3.67 when the one-photon detuning is 1.5 GHz in the experiment.
