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Singular Hermitian-Einstein monopoles on the product of a circle and a Riemann surface

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 Added by Benoit Charbonneau
 Publication date 2009
and research's language is English

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In this paper, the moduli space of singular unitary Hermitian--Einstein monopoles on the product of a circle and a Riemann surface is shown to correspond to a moduli space of stable pairs on the Riemann surface. These pairs consist of a holomorphic vector bundle on the surface and a meromorphic automorphism of the bundle. The singularities of this automorphism correspond to the singularities of the singular monopole. We then consider the complex geometry of the moduli space; in particular, we compute dimensions, both from the complex geometric and the gauge theoretic point of view.

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163 - Rukmini Dey 2016
In this note we quantize the usual symplectic (K{a}hler) form on the vortex moduli space by modifying the Quillen metric of the Quillen determinant line bundle.
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59 - Benoit Charbonneau 2004
The main result is a computation of the Nahm transform of a SU(2)-instanton over RxT^3, called spatially-periodic instanton. It is a singular monopole over T^3, a solution to the Bogomolny equation, whose rank is computed and behavior at the singular points is described.
164 - Michele Vergne 2016
Let G be a torus and M a G-Hamiltonian manifold with Kostant line bundle L and proper moment map. Let P be the weight lattice of G. We consider a parameter k and the multiplicity $m(lambda,k)$ of the quantized representation associated to M and the k-th power of L . We prove that the weighted sum $sum m(lambda,k) f(lambda/k)$ of the value of a test function f on points of the lattice $P/k$ has an asymptotic development in terms of the twisted Duistermaat-Heckman distributions associated to the graded Todd class of M. When M is compact, and f polynomial, the asymptotic series is finite and exact.
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