Period-Luminosity Relations Derived from the OGLE-III Fundamental Mode Cepheids

Abstract in English

In this Paper, we have derived Cepheid period-luminosity (P-L) relations for the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) fundamental mode Cepheids, based on the data released from OGLE-III. We have applied an extinction map to correct for the extinction of these Cepheids. In addition to the VIW band P-L relations, we also include JHK and four Spitzer IRAC band P-L relations, derived by matching the OGLE-III Cepheids to the 2MASS and SAGE datasets, respectively. We also test the non-linearity of the Cepheid P-L relations based on extinction-corrected data. Our results (again) show that the LMC P-L relations are non-linear in VIJH bands and linear in KW and the four IRAC bands, respectively.
