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Modification of the Kolmogorov-Johnson-Mehl-Avrami rate equation for non-isothermal experiments and its analytical solution

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 Added by Jordi Farjas
 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Avramis model describes the kinetics of phase transformation under the assumption of spatially random nucleation. In this paper we provide a quasi-exact analytical solution of Avramis model when the transformation takes place under continuous heating. This solution has been obtained with different activation energies for both nucleation and growth rates. The relation obtained is also a solution of the so-called Kolmogorov-Johnson-Mehl-Avrami transformation rate equation. The corresponding non-isothermal Kolmogorov-Johnson-Mehl-Avrami transformation rate equation only differs from the one obtained under isothermal conditions by a constant parameter, which only depends on the ratio between nucleation and growth rate activation energies. Consequently, a minor correction allows us to extend the Kolmogorov-Johnson-Mehl-Avrami transformation rate equation to continuous heating conditions.

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129 - Jordi Farjas , Pere Roura 2008
The space subdivision in cells resulting from a process of random nucleation and growth is a subject of interest in many scientific fields. In this paper, we deduce the expected value and variance of these distributions while assuming that the space subdivision process is in accordance with the premises of the Kolmogorov-Johnson-Mehl-Avrami model. We have not imposed restrictions on the time dependency of nucleation and growth rates. We have also developed an approximate analytical cell size probability density function. Finally, we have applied our approach to the distributions resulting from solid phase crystallization under isochronal heating conditions.
284 - Jordi Farjas , Pere Roura 2008
In this paper, we develop a method for obtaining the approximate solution for the evolution of single-step transformations under non-isothermal conditions. We have applied it to many reaction models and obtained very simple analytical expressions for the shape of the corresponding transformation rate peaks. These analytical solutions represent a significant simplification of the systems description allowing easy curve fitting to experiment. A remarkable property is that the evolutions of the transformed fraction obtained at different heating rates are identical when time is scaled by a time constant. The accuracy achieved with our method is checked against several reaction models and different temperature dependencies of the transformation rate constant. It is shown that its accuracy is closely related with that of the Kissinger method.
We provide a direct and elementary proof that the formula obtained in [MQR17] for the TASEP transition probabilities for general (one-sided) initial data solves the Kolmogorov backward equation. The same method yields the solution for the related PushASEP particle system.
We asymptotically derive a non-linear Langevin-like equation with non-Gaussian white noise for a wide class of stochastic systems associated with multiple stochastic environments, by developing the expansion method in our previous paper [K. Kanazawa et al., arXiv: 1407.5267 (2014)]. We further obtain a full-order asymptotic formula of the steady distribution function in terms of a large friction coefficient for a non-Gaussian Langevin equation with an arbitrary non-linear frictional force. The first-order truncation of our formula leads to the independent-kick model and the higher-order correction terms directly correspond to the multiple-kicks effect during relaxation. We introduce a diagrammatic representation to illustrate the physical meaning of the high-order correction terms. As a demonstration, we apply our formula to a granular motor under Coulombic friction and get good agreement with our numerical simulations.
Using a recently developed technique to solve Schrodinger equation for constant mass, we studied the regime in which mass varies with position i.e position dependent mass Schrodinger equation(PDMSE). We obtained an analytical solution for the PDMSE and applied our approach to study a position dependent mass $m(x)$ particle scattered by a potential $mathcal{V}(x)$. We also studied the structural analogy between PDMSE and two-level atomic system interacting with a classical field.
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