ab initio frame transformation calculations of direct and indirect dissociative recombination rates of HeH+ + e-

Abstract in English

The HeH$^+$ cation undergoes dissociative recombination with a free electron to produce neutral He and H fragments. We present calculations using ab initio quantum defects and Fanos rovibrational frame transformation technique, along with the methodology of PRL 89, 263003 (2002), to obtain the recombination rate both in the low-energy (1-300 meV) and high-energy (ca. 0.6 hartree) regions. We obtain very good agreement with experimental results, demonstrating that this relatively simple method is able to reproduce observed rates for both indirect dissociative recombination, driven by rovibrationally autoionizing states in the low-energy region, and direct dissociative recombination, driven by electronically autoionizing Rydberg states attached to higher-energy excited cation channels.
