The Phi-factory DAFNE was upgraded in the second half of 2007 in order to implement a recently proposed scheme of crab waist collisions aimed at substantial luminosity increase. Commissioning of the modified collider started in November 2007. In this paper we briefly describe the crab waist collision concept and discuss in detail the DAFNE hardware upgrade and obtained experimental results.
During the current run of an electron-positron collider DAFNE special electrodes for electron cloud suppression have been inserted in all dipole and wiggler magnets of the positron ring. In this paper we discuss the impact of these electrodes on beam dynamics and overall collider performance. In particular we report results of measurements such as e-cloud instabilities growth rate, transverse beam size variation, tune shifts along the bunch train etc. with the electrodes switched on and off that clearly indicate the effectiveness of the electrodes for e-cloud suppression.
Numerical simulations have shown that the recently proposed crab waist scheme of beam-beam collisions can substantially boost the luminosity of existing and future electron-positron colliders. In this paper we describe the crab waist concept and discuss potential advantages that such a scheme can provide. We also present the results of beam-beam simulations for the two currently proposed projects based on the crab waist scheme: the DAFNE upgrade and the Super B-factory project.
The test of the crab waist collision scheme, undergoing at the e+e- Frascati DAFNE accelerator complex since February 2008, requires a fast and accurate measurement of the absolute luminosity, as well as a full characterization of the background conditions. Three different monitors, a Bhabha calorimeter, a Bhabha GEM tracker and a gamma bremsstrahlung proportional counter have been designed, tested and installed around the interaction point end of 2007-beginning of 2008. In this paper, we describe these detectors and present their performances in various operation conditions during the 2008 and 2009 DAFNE runs.
The results of 2002 DAFNE operation for the two experiments KLOE and DEAR are described. During 2003 a long shutdown has been dedicated to the installation of new Interaction Regions (IR) and to hardware modifications and upgrades. In the last section optics studies and performances expectations for the new machine configuration are reported.
DAFNE operation restarted in September 2003, after a six month shut-down for the installation of FINUDA, a magnetic detector dedicated to the study of hypernuclear physics. FINUDA is the third experiment running on DAFNE and operates while keeping on place the other detector KLOE. During the shut-down both Interaction Regions have been equipped with remotely controlled quadrupoles in order to operate at different solenoid fields. Among many other hardware upgrades one of the most significant is the reshaping of the wiggler pole profile to improve the field quality and the machine dynamic aperture. Commissioning of the collider in the new configuration has been completed in short time. The peak luminosity delivered to FINUDA has reached 6 10^31 s-1cm-2, with a daily integrated value close to 4 pb-1.