The Embedding of Schwarzschild in Braneworld

Abstract in English

The braneworlds models were inspired partly by Kaluza-Kleins theory, where both the gravitational and the gauge fields are obtained from the geometry of a higher dimensional space. The positive aspects of these models consist in perspectives of modifications it could bring in to particle physics, such as: unification in a TeV scale, quantum gravity in this scale and deviation of Newtons law for small distances. One of the principles of these models is to suppose that all space-times can be embedded in a bulk of higher dimension. The main result in these notes is a theorem showing a mathematical inconsistency of the Randall-Sundrum braneworld model, namely that the Schwarzschild space-time cannot be embedded locally and isometrically in a five dimensional bulk with constant curvature,(for example AdS-5). From the point of view of semi-Riemannian geometry this last result represents a serious restriction to the Randall-Sundrums braneworld model.
