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The Embedding of Schwarzschild in Braneworld

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 Added by Edmundo M. Monte
 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The braneworlds models were inspired partly by Kaluza-Kleins theory, where both the gravitational and the gauge fields are obtained from the geometry of a higher dimensional space. The positive aspects of these models consist in perspectives of modifications it could bring in to particle physics, such as: unification in a TeV scale, quantum gravity in this scale and deviation of Newtons law for small distances. One of the principles of these models is to suppose that all space-times can be embedded in a bulk of higher dimension. The main result in these notes is a theorem showing a mathematical inconsistency of the Randall-Sundrum braneworld model, namely that the Schwarzschild space-time cannot be embedded locally and isometrically in a five dimensional bulk with constant curvature,(for example AdS-5). From the point of view of semi-Riemannian geometry this last result represents a serious restriction to the Randall-Sundrums braneworld model.

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In this paper we consider a static domain wall inside a 3-brane. Differently of the standard achievement obtained in General Relativity, the analysis performed here gives a consistency condition for the existence of static domain walls in a braneworld gravitational scenario. It is also shown the behavior of the domain wall gravitational field in the newtonian limit.
We apply the dynamical systems tools to study the (linear) cosmic dynamics of a Dirac-Born-Infeld-type field trapped in the braneworld. We focus,exclusively, in Randall-Sundrum and in Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati brane models. We analyze the existence and stability of asymptotic solutions for the AdS throat and the quadratic potential and a particular choice of the warp factor and of the potential for the DBI field ($f(phi)=1/V(phi)$). It is demonstrated, in particular, that in the ultra-relativistic approximation matter-scaling and scalar field-dominated solutions always arise. In the first scenario the empty universe is the past attractor, while in the second model the past attractor is the matter-dominated phase.
In this article we have studied a closed universe which a holographic energy on the brane whose energy density is described by $rho (H) =3c^{2}H^{2}$ and we obtain an equation for the Hubble parameter, this equation gave us different physical behavior depending if $c^2>1$ or $c^2<1$ against of the sign of the brane tension.
The brane cosmology scenario is based on the idea that our Universe is a 3-brane embedded in a five-dimensional bulk. In this work, a general class of braneworld wormholes is explored with $R eq 0$, where $R$ is the four dimensional Ricci scalar, and specific solutions are further analyzed. A fundamental ingredient of traversable wormholes is the violation of the null energy condition (NEC). However, it is the effective total stress energy tensor that violates the latter, and in this work, the stress energy tensor confined on the brane, threading the wormhole, is imposed to satisfy the NEC. It is also shown that in addition to the local high-energy bulk effects, nonlocal corrections from the Weyl curvature in the bulk may induce a NEC violating signature on the brane. Thus, braneworld gravity seems to provide a natural scenario for the existence of traversable wormholes.
We discuss the cosmological evolution of a braneworld in five dimensional Gauss-Bonnet gravity. Our discussion allows the fifth (bulk) dimension to be space-like as well as time-like. The resulting equations of motion have the form of a cubic equation in the (H^2,(rho+sigma)^2) plane, where sigma is the brane tension and rho is the matter density. This allows us to conduct a comprehensive pictorial analysis of cosmological evolution for the Gauss-Bonnet brane. The many interesting properties of this braneworld include the possibility of accelerated expansion at late times. For a finite region in parameter space the accelerated expansion can be phantom-like so that w < -1. At late times, this branch approaches de Sitter space (w = -1) and avoids the big-rip singularities usually present in phantom models. For a time-like extra dimension the Gauss-Bonnet brane can bounce and avoid the initial singularity.
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