Effect of Impurities on Pentacene Thin Film Growth for Field-Effect Transistors

Abstract in English

Pentacenequinone (PnQ) impurities have been introduced into a pentacene source material at number densities from 0.001 to 0.474 to quantify the relative effects of impurity content and grain boundary structure on transport in pentacene thin-film transistors. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) and electrical measurements of top-contact pentacene thin-film transistors have been employed to directly correlate initial structure and final film structures, with the device mobility as a function of added impurity content. The results reveal a factor four decrease in mobility without significant changes in film morphology for source PnQ number fractions below ~0.008. For these low concentrations, the impurity thus directly influences transport, either as homogeneously distributed defects or by concentration at the otherwise-unchanged grain boundaries. For larger impurity concentrations, the continuing strong decrease in mobility is correlated with decreasing grain size, indicating an impurity-induced increase in the nucleation of grains during early stages of film growth.
