Coulomb Correlations and the Wigner-Mott Transition

Abstract in English

Strong correlation effects, such as a dramatic increase in the effective mass of the carriers of electricity, recently observed in the low density electron gas have provided spectacular support for the existence of a sharp metal-insulator transitions in dilute two dimensional electron gases. Here we show that strong correlations, normally expected only for narrow integer filled bands, can be effectively enhanced even far away from integer filling, due to incipient charge ordering driven by non-local Coulomb interactions. This general mechanism is illustrated by solving an extended Hubbard model using dynamical mean-field theory. Our findings account for the key aspects of the experimental phase diagram, and reconcile the early view points of Wigner and Mott. The interplay of short range charge order and local correlations should result in a three peak structure in the spectral function of the electrons which should be observable in tunneling and optical spectroscopy.
