A Global Energetic Model for Microquasars: preliminary results and spectral energy distributions

Abstract in English

We present preliminary results and observables from a model of microquasar based on a theoretical framework where stationary, powerful, compact jets are launched and then accelerated from an inner magnetized disk. This model aim at providing a consistent picture of microquasars in all their spectral states. It is composed of an outer standard accretion disk down to a variable transition radius where it changes to a magnetized disk, called the Jet Emitting Disk (JED). The theoretical framework providing the heating, we solve the radiative equilibrium and obtain the JED structure. Our JED solutions are rich, and reproduce the already known scheme where a cold optically-thick and a hot optically-thin solutions bracket a thermally unstable one. We present the model and preliminary results, whith a first attempt at reproducing the observed SED of XTE J1118+480.
