Measuring the internal clock of the electron

Abstract in English

The existence of an internal frequency associated to any elementary particle conjectured by de Broglie is compared with a classical description of the electron, where this internal structure corresponds to the motion of the centre of charge around the centre of mass of the particle. This internal motion has a frequency twice de Broglies frequency, which corresponds to the frequency found by Dirac when analysing the electron structure. To get evidence of this internal electron clock a kind of experiment as the one performed by Gouanere et al. cite{Gouanere} will show a discrete set of momenta at which a resonant scattering effect, appears. The resonant momenta of the electron beam are given by $p_k=161.748/k$ MeV$/c$, $k=1,2,3,...$, where only, the corresponding to $k=2$, was within the range of Gouanere et al. experiment. The extension of the experiment to other values of $p_k$, would show the existence of this phenomenon.
