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NICI: combining coronagraphy, ADI, and SDI

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 Added by \\'Etienne Artigau
 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The Near-Infrared Coronagraphic Imager (NICI) is a high-contrast AO imager at the Gemini South telescope. The camera includes a coronagraphic mask and dual channel imaging for Spectral Differential Imaging (SDI). The instrument can also be used in a fixed Cassegrain Rotator mode for Angular Differential Imaging (ADI). While coronagraphy, SDI, and ADI have been applied before in direct imaging searches for exoplanets. NICI represents the first time that these 3 techniques can be combined. We present preliminary NICI commissioning data using these techniques and show that combining SDI and ADI results in significant gains.

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We describe Algorithms for Calibration, Optimized Registration, and Nulling the Star in Angular Differential Imaging (ACORNS-ADI), a new, parallelized software package to reduce high-contrast imaging data, and its application to data from the SEEDS survey. We implement several new algorithms, including a method to register saturated images, a trimmed mean for combining an image sequence that reduces noise by up to ~20%, and a robust and computationally fast method to compute the sensitivity of a high-contrast observation everywhere on the field-of-view without introducing artificial sources. We also include a description of image processing steps to remove electronic artifacts specific to Hawaii2-RG detectors like the one used for SEEDS, and a detailed analysis of the Locally Optimized Combination of Images (LOCI) algorithm commonly used to reduce high-contrast imaging data. ACORNS-ADI is written in python. It is efficient and open-source, and includes several optional features which may improve performance on data from other instruments. ACORNS-ADI requires minimal modification to reduce data from instruments other than HiCIAO. It is freely available for download at under a BSD license.
The accumulation of aberrations along the optical path in a telescope produces distortions and speckles in the resulting images, limiting the performance of cameras at high angular resolution. It is important to achieve the highest possible sensitivity to faint sources such as planets, using both hardware and data analysis software. While analytic methods are efficient, real systems are better-modelled numerically, but such models with many parameters can be hard to understand, optimize and apply. Automatic differentiation software developed for machine learning now makes calculating derivatives with respect to aberrations straightforward for arbitrary optical systems. We apply this powerful new tool to enhance high-angular-resolution astronomical imaging. Self-calibrating observables such as the closure phase or bispectrum have been widely used in optical and radio astronomy to mitigate optical aberrations and achieve high-fidelity imagery. Kernel phases are a generalization of closure phases in the limit of small phase errors. Using automatic differentiation, we reproduce existing kernel phase theory within this framework and demonstrate an extension to the Lyot coronagraph, finding self-calibrating combinations of speckles which are resistant to phase noise, but only in the very high-wavefront-quality regime. As an illustrative example, we reanalyze Palomar adaptive optics observations of the binary alpha Ophiuchi, finding consistency between the new pipeline and the existing standard. We present a new Python package morphine that incorporates these ideas, with an interface similar to the popular package poppy, for optical simulation with automatic differentiation. These methods may be useful for designing improved astronomical optical systems by gradient descent.
Our team is carrying out a multi-year observing program to directly image and characterize young extrasolar planets using the Near-Infrared Coronagraphic Imager (NICI) on the Gemini-South 8.1-meter telescope. NICI is the first instrument on a large telescope designed from the outset for high-contrast imaging, comprising a high-performance curvature adaptive optics system with a simultaneous dual-channel coronagraphic imager. Combined with state-of-the-art observing methods and data processing, NICI typically achieves ~2 magnitudes better contrast compared to previous ground-based or space-based programs, at separations inside of ~2 arcsec. In preparation for the Campaign, we carried out efforts to identify previously unrecognized young stars, to rigorously construct our observing strategy, and to optimize the combination of angular and spectral differential imaging. The Planet-Finding Campaign is in its second year, with first-epoch imaging of 174 stars already obtained out of a total sample of 300 stars. We describe the Campaigns goals, design, implementation, performance, and preliminary results. The NICI Campaign represents the largest and most sensitive imaging survey to date for massive (~1 Mjup) planets around other stars. Upon completion, the Campaign will establish the best measurements to date on the properties of young gas-giant planets at ~5-10 AU separations. Finally, Campaign discoveries will be well-suited to long-term orbital monitoring and detailed spectrophotometric followup with next-generation planet-finding instruments.
163 - Eric L. Nielsen 2007
We examine the implications for the distribution of extrasolar planets based on the null results from two of the largest direct imaging surveys published to date. Combining the measured contrast curves from 22 of the stars observed with the VLT NACO adaptive optics system by Masciadri et al. (2005), and 48 of the stars observed with the VLT NACO SDI and MMT SDI devices by Biller et al. (2007) (for a total of 60 unique stars; the median star for our survey is a 30 Myr K2 star at 25 pc), we consider what distributions of planet masses and semi-major axes can be ruled out by these data, based on Monte Carlo simulations of planet populations. We can set this upper limit with 95% confidence: the fraction of stars with planets with semi-major axis from 20 to 100 AU, and mass >4 M_Jup, is 20% or less. Also, with a distribution of planet mass of dN/dM ~ M^-1.16 between 0.5-13 M_Jup, we can rule out a power-law distribution for semi-major axis (dN/da ~ a^alpha) with index 0 and upper cut-off of 18 AU, and index -0.5 with an upper cut-off of 48 AU. For the distribution suggested by Cumming et al. (2007), a power-law of index -0.61, we can place an upper limit of 75 AU on the semi-major axis distribution. At the 68% confidence level, these upper limits state that fewer than 8% of stars have a planet of mass >4 M_Jup between 20 and 100 AU, and a power-law distribution for semi-major axis with index 0, -0.5, and -0.61 cannot have giant planets beyond 12, 23, and 29 AU, respectively. In general, we find that even null results from direct imaging surveys are very powerful in constraining the distributions of giant planets (0.5-13 M_Jup) at large separations, but more work needs to be done to close the gap between planets that can be detected by direct imaging, and those to which the radial velocity method is sensitive.
The active K2V star $epsilon$ Eri hosts the most nearby known extrasolar planet. With an angular separation of about 1 on average, and an age of a few to several hundred Myrs, $epsilon$ Eri b is one of the prime candidates for becoming the first definitive extrasolar planet imaged directly. We present a multi-epoch deep differential imaging survey performed with NACO-SDI at the VLT with the aim of finding the planet. The results are combined with recent astrometry in an attempt to further constrain the detection limits. No convincing candidate is found among the many coherent structures that constitute the residual speckle noise, which is the dominant noise at small angular scales. We present our detection limits, compare them with the estimated brightness of $epsilon$ Eri b, and analyze how the limits can be improved further. It is found that integration time remains a very important parameter for achieving good results, even in the speckle-dominated regimes. The results yield new, improved upper 3$sigma$ limits on the absolute H-band (1.6 $mu$m) brightness of the 1.55 $M_{rm jup}$ companion of 19.1 to 19.5 mag, depending on the specific age of the system.
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