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Fermi Surface Evolution Across Multiple Charge Density Wave Transitions in ErTe3

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 Added by Robert Moore II
 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The Fermi surface (FS) of ErTe3 is investigated using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). Low temperature measurements reveal two incommensurate charge density wave (CDW) gaps created by perpendicular FS nesting vectors. A large Delta_1 = 175 meV gap arising from a CDW with c* - q_CDW1 ~ 0.70(0) c* is in good agreement with the expected value. A second, smaller Delta_2 = 50 meV gap is due to a second CDW with a* - q_CDW2 ~ 0.68(5) a*. The temperature dependence of the FS, the two gaps and possible interaction between the CDWs are examined.

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194 - K. Y. Shin , N. Ru , C. L. Condron 2008
Diffraction measurements performed via transmission electron microscopy and high resolution X-ray scattering reveal two distinct charge density wave transitions in Gd$_2$Te$_5$ at $T_{c1}$ = 410(3) and $T_{c2}$ = 532(3) K, associated with the textit{on}-axis incommensurate lattice modulation and textit{off}-axis commensurate lattice modulation respectively. Analysis of the temperature dependence of the order parameters indicates a non-vanishing coupling between these two distinct CDW states.
Multiple transition phenomena in divalent Eu compound EuAl$_4$ with the tetragonal structure were investigated via the single-crystal time-of-flight neutron Laue technique. At 30.0 K below a charge-density-wave (CDW) transition temperature of $T_{rm CDW}$ = 140 K, superlattice peaks emerge near nuclear Bragg peaks described by an ordering vector $q_{rm CDW}$=(0 0 ${delta}_c$) with ${delta}_c{sim}$0.19. In contrast, magnetic peaks appear at $q_2 = ({delta}_2 {delta}_2 0)$ with ${delta}_2$ = 0.085 in a magnetic-ordered phase at 13.5 K below $T_{rm N1}$ = 15.4 K. By further cooling to below $T_{rm N3}$ = 12.2 K, the magnetic ordering vector changes into $q_1 = ({delta}_1 0 0)$ with ${delta}_1$ = 0.17 at 11.5 K and slightly shifts to ${delta}_1$ = 0.194 at 4.3 K. No distinct change in the magnetic Bragg peak was detected at $T_{rm N2}$=13.2 K and $T_{rm N4}$=10.0 K. The structural modulation below $T_{rm CDW}$ with $q_{rm CDW}$ is characterized by the absence of the superlattice peak in the (0 0 $l$) axis. As a similar CDW transition was observed in SrAl$_4$, the structural modulation with $q_{rm CDW}$ could be mainly ascribed to the displacement of Al ions within the tetragonal $ab$-plane. Complex magnetic transitions are in stark contrast to a simple collinear magnetic structure in isovalent EuGa$_4$. This could stem from different electronic structures with the CDW transition between two compounds.
The evolution of the charge carrier concentrations and mobilities are examined across the charge-density-wave (CDW) transition in TiSe2. Combined quantum oscillation and magnetotransport measurements show that a small electron pocket dominates the electronic properties at low temperatures whilst an electron and hole pocket contribute at room temperature. At the CDW transition, an abrupt Fermi surface reconstruction and a minimum in the electron and hole mobilities are extracted from two-band and Kohler analysis of magnetotransport measurements. The minimum in the mobilities is associated with the overseen role of scattering from the softening CDW mode. With the carrier concentrations and dynamics dominated by the CDW and the associated bosonic mode, our results highlight TiSe2 as a prototypical system to study the Fermi surface reconstruction at a density-wave transition.
185 - Nicola Lanata` , Paolo Barone , 2008
We derive, by means of an extended Gutzwiller wavefunction and within the Gutzwiller approximation, the phase diagram of the Kondo lattice model. We find that generically, namely in the absence of nesting, the model displays an $f$-electron Mott localization accompanied by a discontinuous change of the conduction electron Fermi surface as well as by magnetism. When the non interacting Fermi surface is close to nesting, the Mott localization disentangles from the onset of magnetism. First the paramagnetic heavy fermion metal turns continuously into an itinerant magnet - the Fermi surface evolves smoothly across the transition - and afterwards Mott localization intervenes with a discontinuous rearrangement of the Fermi surface. We find that the $f$-electron localization remains even if magnetism is prevented, and is still accompanied by a sharp transfer of spectral weigth at the Fermi energy within the Brillouin zone. We further show that the Mott localization can be also induced by an external magnetic field, in which case it occurs concomitantly with a metamagnetic transition.
226 - L. Jiao , Y. Chen , Y. Kohama 2015
Conventional, thermally-driven continuous phase transitions are described by universal critical behaviour that is independent of the specific microscopic details of a material. However, many current studies focus on materials that exhibit quantum-driven continuous phase transitions (quantum critical points, or QCPs) at absolute zero temperature. The classification of such QCPs and the question of whether they show universal behaviour remain open issues. Here we report measurements of heat capacity and de Haas-van Alphen (dHvA) oscillations at low temperatures across a field-induced antiferromagnetic QCP (B$_{c0}simeq$ 50 T) in the heavy-fermion metal CeRhIn$_5$. A sharp, magnetic-field-induced change in Fermi surface is detected both in the dHvA effect and Hall resistivity at B$_0^*simeq$ 30 T, well inside the antiferromagnetic phase. Comparisons with band-structure calculations and properties of isostructural CeCoIn$_5$ suggest that the Fermi-surface change at B$_0^*$ is associated with a localized to itinerant transition of the Ce-4f electrons in CeRhIn$_5$. Taken in conjunction with pressure data, our results demonstrate that at least two distinct classes of QCP are observable in CeRhIn$_5$, a significant step towards the derivation of a universal phase diagram for QCPs.
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