Temporal variability of GRB early X-ray afterglows and GRB080319B prompt emission

Abstract in English

We performed the first systematic search for the minimum variability time scale between 0.3 and 10 keV studying the 28 brightest early (<3000 s) afterglows detected by Swift-XRT up to March 2008. We adopt the power spectrum analysis in the time domain: unlike the Fourier spectrum, this is suitable to study the rms variations at different time-scales. We find that early XRT afterglows show variability in excess of the Poissonian noise level on time-scales as short as about 1 s (rest frame value), with the shortest t_{min} associated with the highest energy band. The gamma-ray prompt emission of GRB080319B shows a characteristic average variability time-scale t_{var} of about 1s; this parameter undergoes a remarkable evolution during the prompt emission (BAT observation).
