Classical energy momentum tensor renormalisation via effective field theory methods

Abstract in English

We apply the Effective Field Theory approach to General Relativity, introduced by Goldberger and Rothstein, to study point-like and string-like sources in the context of scalar-tensor theories of gravity. Within this framework we compute the classical energy-momentum tensor renormalization to first Post-Newtonian order or, in the case of extra scalar fields, up to first order in the (non-derivative) trilinear interaction terms: this allows to write down the corrections to the standard (Newtonian) gravitational potential and to the extra-scalar potential. In the case of one-dimensional extended sources we give an alternative derivation of the renormalization of the string tension enabling a re-analysis of the discrepancy between the results obtained by Dabholkar and Harvey in one paper and by Buonanno and Damour in another, already discussed in the latter.
