AKARI IRC survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud: Outline of the survey and initial results

Abstract in English

We observed an area of 10 deg^2 of the Large Magellanic Cloud using the Infrared Camera on board AKARI. The observations were carried out using five imaging filters (3, 7, 11, 15, and 24 micron) and a dispersion prism (2 -- 5 micron, $lambda / Deltalambda$ $sim$ 20) equipped in the IRC. This paper describes the outline of our survey project and presents some initial results using the imaging data that detected over 5.9x10^5 near-infrared and 6.4x10^4 mid-infrared point sources. The 10 $sigma$ detection limits of our survey are about 16.5, 14.0, 12.3, 10.8, and 9.2 in Vega-magnitude at 3, 7, 11, 15, and 24 micron, respectively. The 11 and 15 micron data, which are unique to AKARI IRC, allow us to construct color-magnitude diagrams that are useful to identify stars with circumstellar dust. We found a new sequence in the color-magnitude diagram, which is attributed to red giants with luminosity fainter than that of the tip of the first red giant branch. We suggest that this sequence is likely to be related to the broad emission feature of aluminium oxide at 11.5 micron. The 11 and 15 micron data also indicate that the ([11] - [15]) micron color of both oxygen-rich and carbon-rich red giants once becomes blue and then turns red again in the course of their evolution, probably due to the change in the flux ratio of the silicate or silicon carbide emission feature at 10 or 11.3 micron to the 15 micron flux.
