Relation Between Stellar Mass and Star Formation Activity in Galaxies

Abstract in English

For a mass-selected sample of 66544 galaxies with photometric redshifts from the Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS), we examine the evolution of star formation activity as a function of stellar mass in galaxies. We estimate the cosmic star formation rates (SFR) over the range 0.2 < z < 1.2, using the rest-frame 2800 A flux (corrected for extinction). We find the mean SFR to be a strong function of the galactic stellar mass at any given redshift, with massive systems (log (M/M(Sun)) > 10.5) contributing less (by a factor of ~ 5) to the total star formation rate density (SFRD). Combining data from the COSMOS and Gemini Deep Deep Survey (GDDS), we extend the SFRD-z relation as a function of stellar mass to z~2. For massive galaxies, we find a steep increase in the SFRD-z relation to z~2; for the less massive systems, the SFRD which also increases from z=0 to 1, levels off at z~1. This implies that the massive systems have had their major star formation activity at earlier epochs (z > 2) than the lower mass galaxies. We study changes in the SFRDs as a function of both redshift and stellar mass for galaxies of different spectral types. We find that the slope of the SFRD-z relation for different spectral type of galaxies is a strong function of their stellar mass. For low and intermediate mass systems, the main contribution to the cosmic SFRD comes from the star-forming galaxies while, for more massive systems, the evolved galaxies are the most dominant population.
