Critical Scaling of the Magnetization and Magnetostriction in the Weak Itinerant Ferromagnet UIr

Abstract in English

The weak itinerant ferromagnet UIr is studied by magnetization and magnetostriction measurements. Critical behavior, which surprisingly extends up to several Tesla, is observed at the Curie temperature $T_Csimeq45$ K and is analyzed using Arrott and Maxwell relations. Critical exponents are found that do not match with any of the well-known universality classes. The low-temperature magnetization $M_ssimeq0.5$ $mu_B cong const.$ below 3 T rises towards higher fields and converges asymptotically around 50 T with the magnetization at $T_C$. From the magnetostriction and magnetization data, we extract the uniaxial pressure dependences of $T_C$, using a new method presented here, and of $M_s$. These results should serve as a basis for understanding spin fluctuations in anisotropic itinerant ferromagnets.
