The unusual volatile composition of the Halley-type comet 8P/Tuttle: Addressing the existence of an Inner Oort Cloud

Abstract in English

We measured organic volatiles (CH4, CH3OH, C2H6, H2CO), CO, and water in comet 8P/Tuttle, a comet from the Oort cloud reservoir now in a short-period Halley-type orbit. We compare its composition with two other comets in Halley-type orbits, and with comets of the organics-normal and organics-depleted classes. Chemical gradients are expected in the comet-forming region of the proto-planetary disk, and an individual comet should reflect its specific heritage. If Halley-type comets came from the inner Oort cloud as proposed, we see no common characteristics that could distinguish such comets from those that were stored in the outer Oort cloud.
