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Normal-Superfluid Interface for Polarized Fermion Gases

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 Publication date 2009
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Recent experiments on imbalanced fermion gases have proved the existence of a sharp interface between a superfluid and a normal phase. We show that, at the lowest experimental temperatures, a temperature difference between N and SF phase can appear as a consequence of the blocking of energy transfer across the interface. Such blocking is a consequence of the existence of a SF gap, which causes low-energy normal particles to be reflected from the N-SF interface. Our quantitative analysis is based on the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov-de Gennes formalism, which allows us to give analytical expressions for the thermodynamic properties and characterize the possible interface scattering regimes, including the case of unequal masses. Our central result is that the thermal conductivity is exponentially small at the lowest experimental temperatures.

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249 - R. Combescot , S. Giraud 2008
We consider a single down atom within a Fermi sea of up atoms. We elucidate by a full many-body analysis the quite mysterious agreement between Monte-Carlo results and approximate calculations taking only into account single particle-hole excitations. It results from a nearly perfect destructive interference of the contributions of states with more than one particle-hole pair. This is linked to the remarkable efficiency of the expansion in powers of hole wavevectors, the lowest order leading to perfect interference. Going up to two particle-hole pairs gives an essentially perfect agreement with known exact results. Hence our treatment amounts to an exact solution of this problem.
We present a theoretical study of the collective excitations of a trapped imbalanced fermion gas at unitarity, when the system consists of a superfluid core and a normal outer shell. We formulate the relevant boundary conditions and treat the normal shell both hydrodynamically and collisionlessly. For an isotropic trap, we calculate the mode frequencies as a function of trap polarization. Out-of-phase modes with frequencies below the trapping frequency are obtained for the case of a hydrodynamic normal shell. For the collisionless case, we calculate the monopole mode frequencies, and find that all but the lowest mode may be damped.
86 - Aurel Bulgac 2020
I discuss the advantages and disadvantages of several procedures, some known and some new, for constructing stationary states within the mean field approximation for a system with pairing correlations and unequal numbers spin-up and spin-down fermions, using the two chemical potentials framework. One procedure in particular appears to have significant physics advantages over previously suggested in the literature computational frameworks. Moreover, this framework is applicable to study strongly polarized superfluid fermion systems with arbitrarily large polarizations and with arbitrary total particle numbers. These methods are equally applicable to normal systems.
The coexistence of superfluid and Mott insulator, due to the quadratic confinement potential in current optical lattice experiments, makes the accurate detection of the superfluid-Mott transition difficult. Studying alternative trapping potentials which are experimentally realizable and have a flatter center, we find that the transition can be better resolved, but at the cost of a more difficult tuning of the particle filling. When mapping out the phase diagram using local probes and the local density approximation we find that the smoother gradient of the parabolic trap is advantageous.
160 - M. Y. Veillette , D. E. Sheehy , 2006
We analyze strongly interacting Fermi gases in the unitary regime by considering the generalization to an arbitrary number N of spin-1/2 fermion flavors with Sp(2N) symmetry. For N=infty this problem is exactly solved by the BCS-BEC mean-field theory, with corrections small in the parameter 1/N. The large-N expansion provides a systematic way to determine corrections to mean-field predictions, allowing the calculation of a variety of thermodynamic quantities at (and in the proximity to) unitarity, including the energy, the pairing gap, and upper-critical polarization (in the case of a polarized gas) for the normal to superfluid instability. For the physical case of N=1, among other quantities, we predict in the unitarity regime, the energy of the gas to be xi=0.28 times that for the non-interacting gas and the pairing gap to be 0.52 times the Fermi energy.
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