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Corrected Entropy-Area Relation and Modified Friedmann Equations

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 Added by Rong-Gen Cai
 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Applying Clausius relation, $delta Q=TdS$, to apparent horizon of a FRW universe with any spatial curvature, and assuming that the apparent horizon has temperature $T=1/(2pi tilde {r}_A)$, and a quantum corrected entropy-area relation, $S=A/4G +alpha ln A/4G$, where $tilde {r}_A$ and $A$ are the apparent horizon radius and area, respectively, and $alpha$ is a dimensionless constant, we derive modified Friedmann equations, which does not contain a bounce solution. On the other hand, loop quantum cosmology leads to a modified Friedmann equation $H^2 =frac{8pi G}{3}rho (1-rho/rho_{rm crit})$. We obtain an entropy expression of apparent horizon of FRW universe described by the modified Friedmann equation. In the limit of large horizon area, resulting entropy expression gives the above corrected entropy-area relation, however, the prefactor $alpha$ in the logarithmic term is positive, which seems not consistent with most of results in the literature that quantum geometry leads to a negative contribution to the area formula of black hole entropy.

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In this note by use of the holographic principle together with the equipartition law of energy and the Unruh temperature, we derive the Friedmann equations of a Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universe.
We present a general method to determine the entropy current of relativistic matter at local thermodynamic equilibrium in quantum statistical mechanics. Provided that the local equilibrium operator is bounded from below and its lowest lying eigenvector is non-degenerate, it is proved that, in general, the logarithm of the partition function is extensive, meaning that it can be expressed as the integral over a 3D space-like hypersurface of a vector current, and that an entropy current exists. We work out a specific calculation for a non-trivial case of global thermodynamic equilibrium, namely a system with constant comoving acceleration, whose limiting temperature is the Unruh temperature. We show that the integral of the entropy current in the right Rindler wedge is the entanglement entropy.
The area of a cross-sectional cut $Sigma$ of future null infinity ($mathcal{I}^+$) is infinite. We define a finite, renormalized area by subtracting the area of the same cut in any one of the infinite number of BMS-degenerate classical vacua. The renormalized area acquires an anomalous dependence on the choice of vacuum. We relate it to the modular energy, including a soft graviton contribution, of the region of $mathcal{I}^+$ to the future of $Sigma$. Under supertranslations, the renormalized area shifts by the supertranslation charge of $Sigma$. In quantum gravity, we conjecture a bound relating the renormalized area to the entanglement entropy across $Sigma$ of the outgoing quantum state on $mathcal{I}^+$.
In this paper we consider the generalized uncertainty principle in the tunneling formalism via Hamilton-Jacobi method to determine the quantum-corrected Hawking temperature and entropy for 2+1-dimensional noncommutative acoustic black holes. In our results we obtain an area entropy, a correction logarithmic in leading order, a correction term in subleading order proportional to the radiation temperature associated with the noncommutative acoustic black holes and an extra term that depends on a conserved charge. Thus, as in the gravitational case, there is no need to introduce the ultraviolet cut-off and divergences are eliminated.
We investigate the effects of a modified dispersion relation proposed by Majhi and Vagenas on the Reissner-Nordstrom black hole thermodynamics in a universe with large extra dimensions. It is shown that entropy, temperature and heat capacity receive new corrections and charged black holes in this framework have less degrees of freedom and decay faster compared to black holes in the Hawking picture. We also study the emission rate of black hole and compare our results with other quantum gravity approaches. In this regard, the existence of the logarithmic prefactor and the relation between dimensions and charge are discussed. This procedure is not only valid for a single horizon spacetime but it is also valid for the spacetimes with inner and outer horizons.
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