Vector-type four-quark interaction and its impact on QCD phase structure

Abstract in English

Effects of the vector-type four-quark interaction on QCD phase structure are investigated in the imaginary chemical potential region, by using the Polyakov-loop extended Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (PNJL) model with the extended Z3 symmetry. In the course to this end, we clarify analytically the Roberge-Weiss periodicity and symmetry properties of various quantities under the existence of a vector-type four-quark interaction. In the imaginary chemical potential region, the chiral condensate and the quark number density are sensitive to the strength of the interaction. Based on this result, we propose a possibility to determine the strength of the vector-type interaction, which largely affects QCD phase structure in the real chemical potential region, by comparing the results of lattice simulations and effective model calculations in the imaginary chemical potential region.
