First $O(alpha_s^3)$ heavy flavor contributions to deeply inelastic scattering

Abstract in English

In the asymptotic limit $Q^2 gg m^2$, the heavy flavor Wilson coefficients for deep--inelastic scattering factorize into the massless Wilson coefficients and the universal heavy flavor operator matrix elements resulting from light--cone expansion. In this way, one can calculate all but the power corrections in $(m^2/Q^2)^k, k > 0$. The heavy flavor operator matrix elements are known to ${sf NLO}$. We present the last 2--loop result missing in the unpolarized case for the renormalization at 3--loops and first 3--loop results for terms proportional to the color factor $T_F^2$ in Mellin--space. In this calculation, the corresponding parts of the ${sf NNLO}$ anomalous dimensions cite{LARIN,MVVandim} are obtained as well.
