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Momentum-space analysis of multipartite entanglement at quantum phase transitions

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 Added by Giorda Paolo
 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We investigate entanglement properties at quantum phase transitions of an integrable extended Hubbard model in the momentum space representation. Two elementary subsystems are recognized: the single mode of an electron, and the pair of modes (electrons coupled through the eta-pairing mechanism). We first detect the two/multi-partite nature of each quantum phase transition by a comparative study of the singularities of Von Neumann entropy and quantum mutual information. We establish the existing relations between the correlations in the momentum representation and those exhibited in the complementary picture: the direct lattice representation. The presence of multipartite entanglement is then investigated in detail through the Q-measure, namely a generalization of the Meyer-Wallach measure of entanglement. Such a measure becomes increasingly sensitive to correlations of a multipartite nature increasing the size of the reduced density matrix. In momentum space, we succeed in obtaining the latter for our system at arbitrary size and we relate its behaviour to the nature of the various QPTs.

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We investigate the behavior of genuine multiparticle entanglement, as quantified by the generalized geometric measure, in gapless-to-gapped quantum transitions of one- and two-dimensional quantum spin models. The investigations are performed in the exactly solvable one-dimensional $XY$ models, as well as two-dimensional frustrated $J_{1}-J_{2}$ models, including the Shastry-Sutherland model. The generalized geometric measure shows non-monotonic features near such transitions in the frustrated quantum systems. We also compare the features of the generalized geometric measure near the quantum critical points with the same for measures of bipartite quantum correlations. The multipartite quantum correlation measure turns out to be a better indicator of quantum critical points than the bipartite measures, especially for two-dimensional models.
326 - Bo-Bo Wei 2018
In this work, we establish a general theory of phase transitions and quantum entanglement in the equilibrium state at arbitrary temperatures. First, we derived a set of universal functional relations between the matrix elements of two-body reduced density matrix of the canonical density matrix and the Helmholtz free energy of the equilibrium state, which implies that the Helmholtz free energy and its derivatives are directly related to entanglement measures because any entanglement measures are defined as a function of the reduced density matrix. Then we show that the first order phase transitions are signaled by the matrix elements of reduced density matrix while the second order phase transitions are witnessed by the first derivatives of the reduced density matrix elements. Near second order phase transition point, we show that the first derivative of the reduced density matrix elements present universal scaling behaviors. Finally we establish a theorem which connects the phase transitions and entanglement at arbitrary temperatures. Our general results are demonstrated in an experimentally relevant many-body spin model.
We study the ground-state entanglement in the quantum Ising model with nearest neighbor ferromagnetic coupling $J$ and find a sequential increase of entanglement depth with growing $J$. This entanglement avalanche starts with two-point entanglement, as measured by the concurrence, and continues via the three-tangle and four-tangle, until finally, deep in the ferromagnetic phase for $J=infty$, arriving at pure $ell$-partite (GHZ type) entanglement of all $ell$ spins. Comparison with the two, three, and four-point correlations reveals a similar sequence and shows strong ties to the above entanglement measures for small $J$. However, we also find a partial inversion of the hierarchy, where the four-point correlation exceeds the three- and two-point correlations, well before the critical point is reached. Qualitatively similar behavior is also found for the Bose-Hubbard model, suggesting that this is a general feature of a quantum phase transition. This should have far reaching consequences for approximations starting from a mean-field limit.
Multipartite entanglement tomography, namely the quantum Fisher information (QFI) calculated with respect to different collective operators, allows to fully characterize the phase diagram of the quantum Ising chain in a transverse field with variable-range coupling. In particular, it recognizes the phase stemming from long-range antiferromagnetic coupling, a capability also shared by the spin squeezing. Furthermore, the QFI locates the quantum critical points, both with vanishing and nonvanishing mass gap. In this case, we also relate the finite-size power-law exponent of the QFI to the critical exponents of the model, finding a signal for the breakdown of conformal invariance in the deep long-range regime. Finally, the effect of a finite temperature on the multipartite entanglement, and ultimately on the phase stability, is considered. In light of the current realizations of the model with trapped ions and of the potential measurability of the QFI, our approach yields a promising strategy to probe long-range physics in controllable quantum systems.
157 - Anindya Biswas , Aditi Sen De , 2013
Fidelity plays an important role in measuring distances between pairs of quantum states, of single as well as multiparty systems. Based on the concept of fidelity, we introduce a physical quantity, shared purity, for arbitrary pure or mixed quantum states of shared systems of an arbitrary number of parties in arbitrary dimensions. We find that it is different from quantum correlations. However, we prove that a maximal shared purity between two parties excludes any shared purity of these parties with a third party, thus ensuring its quantum nature. Moreover, we show that all generalized GHZ states are monogamous, while all generalized W states are non-monogamous with respect to this measure. We apply the quantity to investigate the quantum XY spin models, and observe that it can faithfully detect the quantum phase transition present in these models. We perform a finite-size scaling analysis and find the scaling exponent for this quantity.
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