Magnetic ordering and quantum statistical effects in strongly repulsive Fermi-Fermi and Bose-Fermi mixtures

Abstract in English

We investigate magnetic properties and statistical effects in 1D strongly repulsive two-component fermions and in a 1D mixture of strongly repulsive polarized fermions and bosons. Universality in the characteristics of phase transitions, magnetization and susceptibility in the presence of an external magnetic field $H$ are analyzed from the exact thermodynamic Bethe ansatz solution. We show explicitly that polarized fermions with a repulsive interaction have antiferromagnetic behavior at zero temperature. A universality class of linear field-dependent magnetization persists for weak and finite strong interaction. The system is fully polarized when the external field exceeds the critical value $H^F_capprox frac{8}{gamma}E_F$, where $E_F$ is the Fermi energy and $gamma$ is the dimensionless interaction strength. In contrast, the mixture of polarized fermions and bosons in an external field exhibits square-root field-dependent magnetization in the vicinities of H=0 and the critical value $H=H^M_capprox frac{16}{gamma}E_F$. We find that a pure boson phase occurs in the absence of the external field, fully-polarized fermions and bosons coexist for $0<H<H^M_c$, and a fully-polarized fermion phase occurs for $Hge H_c^M$. This phase diagram for the Bose-Fermi mixture is reminiscent of weakly attractive fermions with population imbalance, where the interacting fermions with opposite spins form singlet pairs.
