Reply to Wernsdorfers post: Correspondence on: Quantum interference of tunnel trajectories between states of different spin lenght in a dimeric molecular nanomagnet

Abstract in English

We present here an exact version of our response (dated April 27) to Wernsdorfers correspondence submitted to Nature Physics on March 31, 2008. After consultation with a referee, Nature Physics chose not publish any part of this exchange. We would therefore like to point out that our original study has now been considered favorably by four separate referees chosen by Nature Physics. Unfortunately, Wernsdorfer subsequently posted two further variations of his correspondence on this archive (arXiv:0804.1246v1 and arXiv:0804.1246v2). We note that aspects of the most recent posting (dated after submission of our response) contradict the version submitted to Nature Physics. However, none of the revisions add weight to Wernsdorfers original correspondence.
