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Collapse of the Electron Gas to Two Dimensions in Density Functional Theory

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 Added by Lucian Constantin
 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Local and semilocal density-functional approximations for the exchange-correlation energy fail badly in the zero-thickness limit of a quasi-two-dimensional electron gas, where the density variation is rapid almost everywhere. Here we show that a fully nonlocal fifth-rung functional, the inhomogeneous Singwi-Tosi-Land-Sjolander (STLS) approach, which employs both occupied and unoccupied Kohn-Sham orbitals, recovers the true two-dimensional STLS limit and appears to be remarkably accurate for any thickness of the slab (and thus for the dimensional crossover). We also show that this good behavior is only partly due to the use of the full exact exchange energy.

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Due to the strongly nonlocal nature of $f_{xc}({bf r},{bf r},omega)$ the {em scalar} exchange and correlation (xc) kernel of the time-dependent density-functional theory (TDDFT), the formula for Q the friction coefficient of an interacting electron gas (EG) for ions tends to give a too large value of Q for heavy ions in the medium- and low-density EG, if we adopt the local-density approximation (LDA) to $f_{xc}({bf r},{bf r},omega)$, even though the formula itself is formally exact. We have rectified this unfavorable feature by reformulating the formula for Q in terms of the {em tensorial} xc kernel of the time dependent current-density functional theory, to which the LDA can be applied without intrinsic difficulty. Our numerical results find themselves in a considerably better agreement with the experimental stopping power of Al and Au for slow ions than those previously obtained within the LDA to the TDDFT.
A curious behavior of electron correlation energy is explored. Namely, the correlation energy is the energy that tends to drive the system toward that of the uniform electron gas. As such, the energy assumes its maximum value when a gradient of density is zero. As the gradient increases, the energy is diminished by a gradient suppressing factor, designed to attenuate the energy from its maximum value similar to the shape of a bell curve. Based on this behavior, we constructed a very simple mathematical formula that predicted the correlation energy of atoms and molecules. Combined with our proposed exchange energy functional, we calculated the correlation energies, the total energies, and the ionization energies of test atoms and molecules; and despite the unique simplicities, the functionals accuracies are in the top tier performance, competitive to the B3LYP, BLYP, PBE, TPSS, and M11. Therefore, we propose that, as guided by the simplicities and supported by the accuracies, the correlation energy is the energy that locally tends to drive the system toward the uniform electron gas.
Based on the time-dependent density-functional theory, we have derived a rigorous formula for the stopping power of an {it interacting} electron gas for ions in the limit of low projectile velocities. If dynamical correlation between electrons is not taken into account, this formula recovers the corresponding stopping power of {it noninteracting} electrons in an effective Kohn-Sham potential. The correlation effect, specifically the excitonic one in electron-hole pair excitations, however, is found to considerably enhance the stopping power for intermediately charged ions, bringing our theory into good agreement with experiment.
Density functional theory is generalized to incorporate electron-phonon coupling. A Kohn-Sham equation yielding the electronic density $n_U(mathbf{r})$, a conditional probability density depending parametrically on the phonon normal mode amplitudes $U={U_{mathbf{q}lambda}}$, is coupled to the nuclear Schrodinger equation of the exact factorization method. The phonon modes are defined from the harmonic expansion of the nuclear Schrodinger equation. A nonzero Berry curvature on nuclear configuration space affects the phonon modes, showing that the potential energy surface alone is generally not sufficient to define the phonons. An orbital-dependent functional approximation for the non-adiabatic exchange-correlation energy reproduces the leading-order nonadiabatic electron-phonon-induced band structure renormalization in the Frohlich model.
109 - James W. Dufty 2017
Density Functional Theory relies on universal functionals characteristic of a given system. Those functionals in general are different for the electron gas and for jellium (electron gas with uniform background). However, jellium is frequently used to construct approximate functionals for the electron gas (e.g., local density approximation, gradient expansions). The precise relationship of the exact functionals for the two systems is addressed here. In particular, it is shown that the exchange - correlation functionals for the inhomogeneous electron gas and inhomogeneous jellium are the same. This justifies theoretical and quantum Monte Carlo simulation studies of jellium to guide the construction of functionals for the electron gas. Related issues of the thermodynamic limit are noted as well.
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