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Identifying the Low Luminosity Population of Embedded Protostars in the c2d Observations of Clouds and Cores

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 Added by Michael Dunham
 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present a search for all embedded protostars with internal luminosities < 1 solar luminosity in the sample of nearby, low-mass star-forming regions surveyed by the Spitzer Space Telescope c2d Legacy Project. The internal luminosity (Lint) of a source is the luminosity of the central source and excludes luminosity arising from external heating. On average, the c2d data are sensitive to embedded protostars with Lint > 4E-3 (d/140 pc)^2 solar luminosities, a factor of 25 better than the sensitivity of IRAS to such objects. We present selection criteria used to identify candidates from the Spitzer data and examine complementary data to decide whether each candidate is truly an embedded protostar. We find a tight correlation between the 70 micron flux and internal luminosity of a protostar, an empirical result based on observations and two-dimensional radiative transfer models of protostars. We identify 50 embedded protostars with Lint < 1 solar luminosities; 15 have Lint < 0.1 solar luminosities. The intrinsic distribution of source luminosities increases to lower luminosities. While we find sources down to the above sensitivity limit, indicating that the distribution may extend to luminosities lower than probed by these observations, we are able to rule out a continued rise in the distribution below 0.1 solar luminosities. Between 75-85% of cores classified as starless prior to being observed by Spitzer remain starless to our luminosity sensitivity; the remaining 15-25% harbor low-luminosity, embedded protostars. We compile complete Spectral Energy Distributions for all 50 objects and calculate standard evolutionary signatures, and argue that these objects are inconsistent with the simplest picture of star formation wherein mass accretes from the core onto the protostar at a constant rate.

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Motivated by the long-standing luminosity problem in low-mass star formation whereby protostars are underluminous compared to theoretical expectations, we identify 230 protostars in 18 molecular clouds observed by two Spitzer Space Telescope Legacy surveys of nearby star-forming regions. We compile complete spectral energy distributions, calculate Lbol for each source, and study the protostellar luminosity distribution. This distribution extends over three orders of magnitude, from 0.01 Lsun - 69 Lsun, and has a mean and median of 4.3 Lsun and 1.3 Lsun, respectively. The distributions are very similar for Class 0 and Class I sources except for an excess of low luminosity (Lbol < 0.5 Lsun) Class I sources compared to Class 0. 100 out of the 230 protostars (43%) lack any available data in the far-infrared and submillimeter (70 um < wavelength < 850 um) and have Lbol underestimated by factors of 2.5 on average, and up to factors of 8-10 in extreme cases. Correcting these underestimates for each source individually once additional data becomes available will likely increase both the mean and median of the sample by 35% - 40%. We discuss and compare our results to several recent theoretical studies of protostellar luminosities and show that our new results do not invalidate the conclusions of any of these studies. As these studies demonstrate that there is more than one plausible accretion scenario that can match observations, future attention is clearly needed. The better statistics provided by our increased dataset should aid such future work.
353 - Jens Kauffmann 2008
AIMS: To study the structure of nearby (< 500 pc) dense starless and star-forming cores with the particular goal to identify and understand evolutionary trends in core properties, and to explore the nature of Very Low Luminosity Objects (< 0.1 L_sun; VeLLOs). METHODS: Using the MAMBO bolometer array, we create maps unusually sensitive to faint (few mJy per beam) extended (approx. 5 arcmin) thermal dust continuum emission at 1.2 mm wavelength. Complementary information on embedded stars is obtained from Spitzer, IRAS, and 2MASS. RESULTS: Our maps are very rich in structure, and we characterize extended emission features (``subcores) and compact intensity peaks in our data separately to pay attention to this complexity. We derive, e.g., sizes, masses, and aspect ratios for the subcores, as well as column densities and related properties for the peaks. Combination with archival infrared data then enables the derivation of bolometric luminosities and temperatures, as well as envelope masses, for the young embedded stars. CONCLUSIONS: (abridged) Starless and star-forming cores occupy the same parameter space in many core properties; a picture of dense core evolution in which any dense core begins to actively form stars once it exceeds some fixed limit in, e.g., mass, density, or both, is inconsistent with our data. Comparison of various evolutionary indicators for young stellar objects in our sample (e.g., bolometric temperatures) reveals inconsistencies between some of them, possibly suggesting a revision of some of these indicators.
We present submillimeter observations of dark clouds that are part of the Spitzer Legacy Program, From Molecular Cores to Planet-Forming Disks (c2d). We used the Submillimetre Common Users Bolometer Array to map the regions observed by Spitzer by the c2d program to create a census of dense molecular cores including data from the infrared to the submillimeter. In this paper, we present the basic data from these observations: maps, fluxes, and source attributes. We also show data for an object just outside the Perseus cloud that was serendipitously observed in our program. We propose that this object is a newly discovered, evolved protostar.
We present the results of a submillimeter survey of 53 low-mass dense cores with the Submillimeter High Angular Resolution Camera II (SHARC-II). The survey is a follow-up project to the Spitzer Legacy Program ``From Molecular Cores to Planet-Forming Disks, with the purpose being to create a complete data set of nearby low-mass dense cores from the infrared to the millimeter. We present maps of 52 cores at 350 microns and three cores at 450 microns, two of which were observed at both wavelengths. Of these 52 cores, 41 were detected by SHARC-II: 32 contained one submillimeter source while 9 contained multiple sources. For each submillimeter source detected, we report various source properties including source position, fluxes in various apertures, size, aspect ratio, and position angle. For the 12 cores that were not detected we present upper limits. The sources detected by SHARC-II have, on average, smaller sizes at the 2sigma contours than those derived from longer-wavelength bolometer observations. We conclude that this is not caused by a failure to integrate long enough to detect the full extent of the core; instead it arises primarily from the fact that the observations presented in this survey are insensitive to smoothly varying extended emission. We find that SHARC-II observations of low-mass cores are much better suited to distinguishing between starless and protostellar cores than observations at longer wavelengths. Very Low Luminosity Objects, a new class of objects being discovered by the Spitzer Space Telescope in cores previously classified as starless, look very similar at 350 microns to other cores with more luminous protostars.
Infrared images of the dark cloud core B59 were obtained with the Spitzer Space Telescope as part of the Cores to Disks Legacy Science project. Photometry from 3.6-70 microns indicates at least 20 candidate low-mass young stars near the core, more than doubling the previously known population. Out of this group, 13 are located within about 0.1 pc in projection of the molecular gas peak, where a new embedded source is detected. Spectral energy distributions span the range from small excesses above photospheric levels to rising in the mid-infrared. One other embedded object, probably associated with the millimeter source B59-MMS1, with a bolometric luminosity L(bol) roughly 2 L(sun), has extended structure at 3.6 and 4.5 microns, possibly tracing the edges of an outflow cavity. The measured extinction through the central part of the core is A(V) greater than of order 45 mag. The B59 core is producing young stars with a high efficiency.
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