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Star formation histories from multi-band photometry: A new approach

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 Added by Simon Dye
 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors Simon Dye

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A new method of determining galaxy star-formation histories (SFHs) is presented. Using the method, the feasibility of recovering SFHs with multi-band photometry is investigated. The method divides a galaxys history into discrete time intervals and reconstructs the average rate of star formation in each interval. This directly gives the total stellar mass. A simple linear inversion solves the problem of finding the most likely discretised SFH for a given set of galaxy parameters. It is shown how formulating the method within a Bayesian framework lets the data simultaneously select the optimal regularisation strength and the most appropriate number of discrete time intervals for the reconstructed SFH. The method is demonstrated by applying it to mono-metallic synthetic photometric catalogues created with different input SFHs, assessing how the accuracy of the recovered SFHs and stellar masses depend on the photometric passband set, signal-to-noise and redshift. The results show that reconstruction of SFHs using multi-band photometry is possible, being able to distinguish an early burst of star formation from a late one, provided an appropriate passband set is used. Although the resolution of the recovered SFHs is on average inferior compared to what can be achieved with spectroscopic data, the multi-band approach can process a significantly larger number of galaxies per unit exposure time.

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We examine the star formation histories (SFHs) of galaxies in smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations, compare them to parametric models that are commonly used in fitting observed galaxy spectral energy distributions, and examine the efficacy of these parametric models as practical tools for recovering the physical parameters of galaxies. The commonly used tau-model, with SFR ~ exp(-t/tau), provides a poor match to the SFH of our SPH galaxies, with a mismatch between early and late star formation that leads to systematic errors in predicting colours and stellar mass-to-light ratios. A one-parameter lin-exp model, with SFR ~ t*exp(-t/tau), is much more successful on average, but it fails to match the late-time behavior of the bluest, most actively star-forming galaxies and the passive, red and dead galaxies. We introduce a 4-parameter model, which transitions from lin-exp to a linear ramp after a transition time, which describes our simulated galaxies very well. We test the ability of these parametrised models to recover (at z=0, 0.5, and 1) the stellar mass-to-light ratios, specific star formation rates, and stellar population ages from the galaxy colours, computed from the full SPH star formation histories using the FSPS code of Conroy et al. (2009). Fits with tau-models systematically overestimate M/L by ~ 0.2 dex, overestimate population ages by ~ 1-2 Gyr, and underestimate sSFR by ~ 0.05 dex. Fits with lin-exp are less biased on average, but the 4-parameter model yields the best results for the full range of galaxies. Marginalizing over the free parameters of the 4-parameter model leads to slightly larger statistical errors than 1-parameter fits but essentially removes all systematic biases, so this is our recommended procedure for fitting real galaxies.
Conventionally, CMD analyses of nearby star clusters are based on observations in 2 passbands. They are plagued by considerable degeneracies between age, metallicity, distance (and extinction) that can largely be resolved by including additional passbands with U being most appropriate for young SCs and I or a NIR band for old globular clusters. For star clusters that cannot be resolved, integrated photometry in suitably selected passbands was shown to be as accurate as spectroscopy in independently revealing ages, metallicities, internal extinction, and photometric masses and their respective 1 sigma uncertainties, when analysed with a dedicated analysis tool for their Spectral Energy Distributions (SEDs) (cf. Anders et al. 2004a, b, de Grijs et al. 2003b). For external galaxies, rich star cluster populations can thus be efficiently analysed using deep exposures in 4 suitable filters. Again, the inclusion of the U-band significantly reduces the uncertainties in the cluster parameters. The age and metallicity distributions of star cluster systems yield valuable information about the formation history of their parent galaxies (Fritze - v. A. 2004). Here, we present our GALEV evolutionary synthesis models for star clusters of various metallicities (Anders, Fritze - v. A. 2003), recently extended to include the time evolution of CMDs, the dedicated SED Analysis Tool AnalySED we developed, show results on the basis of HST data, and present first data for a young star cluster system in the ongoing spiral-spiral merger NGC 1487 obtained with SALT during the SALTICAM Performance Verification Phase.
We obtained comprehensive sets of elemental abundances for eleven damped Ly-alpha systems (DLAs) at z_DLA=1.7-2.5. In Paper I of this series, we showed for three DLA galaxies that we can derive their star formation histories and ages from a detailed comparison of their intrinsic abundance patterns with chemical evolution models. We determine in this paper the star formation properties of six additional DLA galaxies. The derived results confirm that no single star formation history explains the diverse sets of abundance patterns in DLAs. We demonstrate that the various star formation histories reproducing the DLA abundance patterns are typical of local irregular, dwarf starburst and quiescent spiral galaxies. Independent of the star formation history, the DLAs have a common characteristic of being weak star forming galaxies; models with high star formation efficiencies are ruled out. All the derived DLA star formation rates per unit area are moderate or low, with values between -3.2 < log SFR < -1.1 M_sol yr^{-1} kpc^{-2}. The DLA abundance patterns require a large spread in ages ranging from 20 Myr up to 3 Gyr. The oldest DLA in our sample is observed at z_DLA=1.864 with an age estimated to more than 3 Gyr; it nicely indicates that galaxies were already forming at z_f>10. But, most of the DLAs show ages much younger than that of the Universe at the epoch of observation. Young galaxies thus seem to populate the high redshift Universe at z>2, suggesting relatively low redshifts of formation (z~3) for most high-redshift galaxies. The DLA star formation properties are compared with those of other high-redshift galaxies identified in deep imaging surveys with the aim of obtaining a global picture of high-redshift objects.
150 - Monica Tosi 2007
The impact of HST photometry and European astronomy in studies concerning the star formation histories of resolved galaxies is described. Our current knowledge of the star formation history of systems within 10-20 Mpc, as derived from the colour-magnitude diagrams of their resolved stellar populations, is reviewed, as well as the impact of these results on our understanding of galaxy evolution.
We present results of a detailed study aiming at understanding to what precision star formation histories (SFHs) can be determined for distant galaxies observable in integrated light only. Using our evolutionary synthesis code, we have performed a set of simulations of galaxies with a wide range of different SFHs. By analysing the resulting colors, spectra and Lick indices, we investigate to which extent different SF scenarios can be discriminated on the basis of their photometric and spectral properties, respectively. We find the robust result that no later than 4 Gyrs after the latest episode of enhanced star formation all scenarios exhibit very similar colors and indices; in practice, it is not possible to distinguish different scenarios of star formation which have evolved for more than 1, at the utmost 3-4 Gyrs since the last star forming event, even when using spectral indices. For how long different SF scenarios can be disentangled highly depends on the range of colors available and absorption lines considered, as well as on the details of the SFHs to be compared.
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