Critical Fields and Anisotropy of NdO0.82F0.18FeAs Single Crystals

Abstract in English

The newly discovered iron-based superconductors have stimulated enormous interests in the field of superconductivity. Since the new superconductor is a layered system, the anisotropy is a parameter with the first priority to know. Meanwhile any relevant message about the critical fields (upper critical field and irreversibility line) are essentially important. By using flux method, we have successfully grown the single crystals NdO0.82F0.18FeAs at ambient pressure. Resistive measurements reveal a surprising discovery that the anisotropy Gamma = (mc/mab)^{1/2} is below 5, which is much smaller than the theoretically calculated results. The data measured up to 400 K show a continuing curved feature which prevents a conjectured linear behavior for an unconventional metal. The upper critical fields determined based on the Werthamer-Helfand-Hohenberg formula are H_{c2}^{H||ab}(T=0 K) = 304 T and H_{c2}^{H||c}(T=0 K)=62-70 T, indicating a very encouraging application of the new superconductors.
