High $p_T$ Identified Particle Spectra

Abstract in English

I will present an overview of identified particle spectra at high $p_T$ ($p_T{}^{>}_{sim}$ 5 GeV/$c$) in both p+p collisions and AA collisions at RHIC. In p+p collisions, summary of particle ratios of K, $eta$, $omega$, $rho$, $phi$, $p$, $bar{p}$, $Lambda$ and heavy-flavor (open charm, $J/Psi$) to $pi$ at high-pt will be compiled and compared to the ratios of integrated yields. The spectra are used in $x_t$ scaling study and compared to pQCD calculations. These will help us establish particle composition in jets and the quark and gluon contributions to hadron production at high $p_T$. Similar jet chemistry has been extracted in Au+Au data in search for a quantitative measure of color charge dependence of jet energy loss.
