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First VLTI infrared spectro-interferometry on GCIRS 7 - Characterizing the prime reference source for Galactic center observations at highest angular resolution

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 Added by Jorg-Uwe Pott
 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Investigating the environment of the massive black hole SgrA* at the center of the Galaxy requires the highest angular resolution available to avoid source confusion and to study the physical properties of the individual objects. GCIRS7 has been used as wavefront and astrometric reference. Our studies investigate, for the first time, its properties at 2&10um using VLTI/AMBER and MIDI. We aim at analyzing the suitability of IRS7 as an IF-phase-reference for the upcoming generation of dual-field facilities at optical interferometers. We observed with (R~30) and 50m (proj.) baseline, resulting in 9 and 45mas resolution for NIR and MIR, resp. The first K-band fringe detection of a GC star suggests that IRS7 could be marginally resolved at 2um, which would imply that the photosphere of the supergiant is enshrouded by a molecular and dusty envelope. At 10um, IRS7 is strongly resolved with a visibility of approximately 0.2. The MIR is dominated by moderately warm (200 K), extended dust, mostly distributed outside of a radius of about 120 AU (15 mas) around the star. A deep 9.8-silicate absorption in excess of the usual extinction law with respect to the NIR extinction has been found. This confirms recent findings of a relatively enhanced, interstellar 9.8-silicate absorption with respect to the NIR extinction towards another star in the central arcsec, suggesting an unusual dust composition in that region. Our VLTI observations show that interferometric NIR phase-referencing experiments with mas resolution using IRS7 as phase-reference appear to be feasible, but more such studies are required to definitely characterize the close environment around this star. We demonstrate that interferometry is required to resolve the innermost environment of stars at the Galactic center.

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GCIRS 7, the brightest star in the Galactic central parsec, formed $6pm2$ Myr ago together with dozens of massive stars in a disk orbiting the central black-hole. It has been argued that GCIRS 7 is a pulsating body, on the basis of photometric variability. We present the first medium-resolution ($R=500$), K-band spectro-interferometric observations of GCIRS 7, using the GRAVITY instrument with the four auxiliary telescopes of the ESO VLTI. We looked for variations using two epochs, namely 2017 and 2019. We find GCIRS 7 to be moderately resolved with a uniform-disk photospheric diameter of $theta^*_text{UD}=1.55 pm 0.03$ mas ($R^*_text{UD}=1368 pm 26$ $R_odot$) in the K-band continuum. The narrow-band uniform-disk diameter increases above 2.3 $mu$m, with a clear correlation with the CO band heads in the spectrum. This correlation is aptly modeled by a hot ($T_text{L}=2368pm37$ K), geometrically thin molecular shell with a diameter of $theta_text{L}=1.74pm0.03$ mas, as measured in 2017. The shell diameter increased ($theta_text{L}=1.89pm0.03$ mas), while its temperature decreased ($T_text{L}=2140pm42$ K) in 2019. In contrast, the photospheric diameter $theta^*_text{UD}$ and the extinction up to the photosphere of GCIRS 7 ($A_{mathrm{K}_mathrm{S}}=3.18 pm 0.16$) have the same value within uncertainties at the two epochs. In the context of previous interferometric and photo-spectrometric measurements, the GRAVITY data allow for an interpretation in terms of photospheric pulsations. The photospheric diameter measured in 2017 and 2019 is significantly larger than previously reported using the PIONIER instrument ($theta_*=1.076 pm 0.093$ mas in 2013 in the H band). The parameters of the photosphere and molecular shell of GCIRS 7 are comparable to those of other red supergiants that have previously been studied using interferometry.
Due to the recent dramatic technological advances, infrared interferometry can now be applied to new classes of objects, resulting in exciting new science prospects, for instance, in the area of high-mass star formation. Although extensively studied at various wavelengths, the process through which massive stars form is still only poorly understood. For instance, it has been proposed that massive stars might form like low-mass stars by mass accretion through a circumstellar disk/envelope, or otherwise by coalescence in a dense stellar cluster. After discussing the technological challenges which result from the special properties of these objects, we present first near-infrared interferometric observations, which we obtained on the massive YSO IRAS 13481-6124 using VLTI/AMBER infrared long-baseline interferometry and NTT speckle interferometry. From our extensive data set, we reconstruct a model-independent aperture synthesis image which shows an elongated structure with a size of 13x19 AU, consistent with a disk seen under an inclination of 45 degree. The measured wavelength-dependent visibilities and closure phases allow us to derive the radial disk temperature gradient and to detect a dust-free region inside of 9.5 AU from the star, revealing qualitative and quantitative similarities with the disks observed in low-mass star formation. In complementary mid-infrared Spitzer and sub-millimeter APEX imaging observations we detect two bow shocks and a molecular out ow which are oriented perpendicular to the disk plane and indicate the presence of a bipolar outflow emanating from the inner regions of the system.
The dust enshrouded star IRS~3 in the central light year of our galaxy was partially resolved in a recent VLTI experiment. The presented observation is the first step in investigating both IRS~3 in particular and the stellar population of the Galactic Centre in general with the VLTI at highest angular resolution. We will outline which scientific issues can be addressed by a complete MIDI dataset on IRS~3 in the mid infrared.
We investigated with MIDI the extension of dusty mid-infrared excess sources (IRS 1W, IRS 10W, IRS 2, IRS 8) in immediate vicinity to the black hole (BH) at the GC. We derive 3$sigma$ upper limits of the correlated fluxes of our target sources which give direct constraints on the size of the emitting regions. Most probably the emission originates from bow shocks generated by windy stars ploughing through the dense matter of the Northern MiniSpiral.
107 - T. Paumard , O. Pfuhl , F. Martins 2014
The stellar population in the central parsec of the Galaxy is dominated by an old (several Gyr) population, but young, massive stars dominate the luminosity function. We have studied the most luminous of these stars, GCIRS 7, in order to constrain the age of the recent star formation event in the Galactic Centre and to characterise it as an interferometric reference for observations of the Galactic Centre with the instrument GRAVITY, which will equip the Very Large Telescope Interferometer in the near future. We present the first H-band interferometric observations of GCIRS 7, obtained using the PIONIER visitor instrument on the VLTI using the four 8.2-m unit telescopes. In addition, we present unpublished K-band VLTI/AMBER data, build JHKL light-curves based on data spanning 4 decades, and measured the stars effective temperature using SINFONI spectroscopy. GCIRS 7 is marginally resolved at H-band (in 2013: uniform-disk diameter=1.076+/-0.093mas, R=960+/-92Rsun at 8.33+/-0.35kpc). We detect a significant circumstellar contribution at K-band. The star and its environment are variable in brightness and in size. The photospheric H-band variations are well modelled with two periods: P0~470+/-10 days (amplitude ~0.64mag) and long secondary period LSP~2700-2850 days (~1.1mag). As measured from CO equivalent width, <Teff>=3600+/-195K. The size, periods, luminosity (<Mbol>=-8.44+/-0.22) and effective temperature are consistent with an M1 supergiant with an initial mass of 22.5+/-2.5Msun and an age of 6.5-10Myr (depending on rotation). This age is in remarkable agreement with most estimates for the recent star formation event in the central parsec. Caution should be taken when using this star as an interferometric reference as it is variable in size, is surrounded by a variable circumstellar environment and large convection cells may form on its photosphere.
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