Nuclear activity in nearby galaxies: Mid-infrared imaging with the VLT

Abstract in English

Dust enshrouded activity can ideally be studied by mid-infrared (MIR) observations. In order to explore the AGN versus star forming origin of the nuclear MIR emission of galaxies, observations of high spatial resolution are required. Here we report on 11.3mic. observations with VISIR at the VLT, reaching 0.35 spatial resolution (FWHM). During the scientific verification of VISIR we have observed a sample of 36 nearby galaxies having a variety of optically classified nuclear activity: 17 black hole driven active galactic nuclei (AGN), 10 starbursts (SBs) and 9 quiet spirals. 16/17 AGN are detected and unresolved, 5/10 SBs are detected and resolved with structured emission up to a few arcsec, while for 5/10 SB and all 9 quiet nuclei low upper limits are provided. The morphology of the resolved SB nuclei follows that seen at radio frequencies. The compactness of AGN and the extent of the SB nuclei is consistent with predictions from radiative transfer models and with MIR spectra of lower spatial resolution. We explore the nuclear MIR surface brightness as a quantitative measure. While AGN and SB cannot be distinguished with MIR data from 4m class telescopes, our data provide evidence that, up to a distance of 100 Mpc, AGN and SB can well be separated by means of MIR surface brightness when using 8m class telescopes.
