Very Broad [O III]4959,5007 Emission from the NGC 4472 Globular Cluster RZ2109 and Implications for the Mass of Its Black Hole X-ray Source

Abstract in English

We present Keck LRIS spectroscopy of the black hole-hosting globular cluster RZ2109 in the Virgo elliptical galaxy NGC 4472. We find that this object has extraordinarily broad [OIII]5007 and [OIII]4959 emission lines, with velocity widths of approximately 2,000 k/ms. This result has significant implications for the nature of this accreting black-hole system and the mass of the globular cluster black hole. We show that the broad [OIII]5007 emission must arise from material driven at high velocity from the black hole system. This is because the volume available near the black hole is too small by many orders of magnitude to have enough [OIII] emitting atoms to account for the observed L([OIII]5007) at high velocities, even if this volume is filled with Oxygen at the critical density for [OIII]5007. The Balmer emission is also weak, indicating the observed [OIII] is not due to shocks. We therefore conclude that the [OIII]4959,5007 is produced by photoionization of material driven across the cluster. The only known way to drive significant material at high velocity is for a system accreting mass near or above its Eddington limit, which indicates a stellar mass black hole. Since it is dynamically implausible to form an accreting stellar mass black hole system in a globular cluster with an intermediate mass black hole (IMBH), it appears this massive globular cluster does not have an IMBH. We discuss further tests of this conclusion, and its implications for the M_BH - M_stellar and M_BH - sigma relations.
