Cosmological evolution of interacting phantom (quintessence) model in Loop Quantum Gravity

Abstract in English

The dynamics of interacting dark energy model in loop quantum cosmology (LQC) is studied in this paper. The dark energy has a constant equation of state $w_x$ and interacts with dark matter through a form $3cH(rho_x+rho_m)$. We find for quintessence model ($w_x>-1$) the cosmological evolution in LQC is the same as that in classical Einstein cosmology; whereas for phantom dark energy ($w_x<-1$), although there are the same critical points in LQC and classical Einstein cosmology, loop quantum effect reduces significantly the parameter spacetime ($c, w_x$) required by stability. If parameters $c$ and $w_x$ satisfy the conditions that the critical points are existent and stable, the universe will enter an era dominated by dark energy and dark matter with a constant energy ratio between them, and accelerate forever; otherwise it will enter an oscillatory regime. Comparing our results with the observations we find at $1sigma$ confidence level the universe will accelerate forever.
