In this paper we generalize the definitions of singularities of pairs and multiplier ideal sheaves to pairs on arbitrary normal varieties, without any assumption on the variety being Q-Gorenstein or the pair being log Q-Gorenstein. The main features of the theory extend to this setting in a natural way.
We develop an analogue of Eisenbud-Floystad-Schreyers Tate resolutions for toric varieties. Our construction, which is given by a noncommutative analogue of a Fourier-Mukai transform, works quite generally and provides a new perspective on the relationship between Tate resolutions and Beilinsons resolution of the diagonal. We also develop a Beilinson-type resolution of the diagonal for toric varieties and use it to generalize Eisenbud-Floystad-Schreyers computationally effective construction of Beilinson monads.
In this paper we give a geometric characterization of the cones of toric varieties that are complete intersections. In particular, we prove that the class of complete intersection cones is the smallest class of cones which is closed under direct sum and contains all simplex cones. Further, we show that the number of the extreme rays of such a cone, which is less than or equal to $2n-2$, is exactly $2n-2$ if and only if the cone is a bipyramidal cone, where $n>1$ is the dimension of the cone. Finally, we characterize all toric varieties whose associated cones are complete intersection cones.
Suppose that (K, $ u$) is a valued field, f (z) $in$ K[z] is a unitary and irreducible polynomial and (L, $omega$) is an extension of valued fields, where L = K[z]/(f (z)). Further suppose that A is a local domain with quotient field K such that $ u$ has nonnegative value on A and positive value on its maximal ideal, and that f (z) is in A[z]. This paper is devoted to the problem of describing the structure of the associated graded ring gr $omega$ A[z]/(f (z)) of A[z]/(f (z)) for the filtration defined by $omega$ as an extension of the associated graded ring of A for the filtration defined by $ u$. In particular we give an algorithm which in many cases produces a finite set of elements of A[z]/(f (z)) whose images in gr $omega$ A[z]/(f (z)) generate it as a gr $ u$ A-algebra as well as the relations between them. We also work out the interactions of our method of computation with phenomena which complicate the study of ramification and local uniformization in positive characteristic , such as the non tameness and the defect of an extension. For valuations of rank one in a separable extension of valued fields (K, $ u$) $subset$ (L, $omega$) as above our algorithm produces a generating sequence in a local birational extension A1 of A dominated by $ u$ if and only if there is no defect. In this case, gr $omega$ A1[z]/(f (z)) is a finitely presented gr $ u$ A1-module. This is an improved version, thanks to a referees remarks.
We study standard monomial bases for Richardson varieties inside the flag variety. In general, writing down a standard monomial basis for a Richardson variety can be challenging, as it involves computing so-called defining chains or key tableaux. However, for a certain family of Richardson varieties, indexed by compatible permutations, we provide a very direct and straightforward combinatorial rule for writing down a standard monomial basis. We apply this result to the study of toric degenerations of Richardson varieties. In particular, we provide a new family of toric degenerations of Richardson varieties inside flag varieties.
We present algebraic and geometric arguments that give a complete classification of the rational normal scrolls that are hyperplane section of a given rational normal scrolls.