Compatibility of high-$Delta mathrm{m}^2$ $ ue$ and $ uebar$ neutrino oscillation searches

Abstract in English

This article presents the compatibility of experimental data from neutrino oscillation experiments with a high-$dmsq$ two-neutrino oscillation hypothesis. Data is provided by the Bugey, Karlsruhe Rutherford Medium Energy Neutrino Experiment 2 (KARMEN2), Los Alamos Liquid Scintillator Neutrino Detector (LSND), and MiniBooNE experiments. The LSND, KARMEN2, and MiniBooNE results are 25.36% compatible within a two-neutrino oscillation hypothesis. However, the point of maximal compatibility is found in a region that is excluded by the Bugey data. A joint analysis of all four experiments, performed in the $sinsqtheta mathrm{vs} dmsq$ region common to all data, finds a maximal compatibility of 3.94%. This result does not account for additions to the neutrino oscillation model from sources such as CP violation or sterile neutrinos.
