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We show that high-dimensional analogues of the sine function (more precisely, the d-dimensional polar sine and the d-th root of the d-dimensional hypersine) satisfy a simplex-type inequality in a real pre-Hilbert space H. Adopting the language of Deza and Rosenberg, we say that these d-dimensional sine functions are d-semimetrics. We also establish geometric identities for both the d-dimensional polar sine and the d-dimensional hypersine. We then show that when d=1 the underlying functional equation of the corresponding identity characterizes a generalized sine function. Finally, we show that the d-dimensional polar sine satisfies a relaxed simplex inequality of two controlling terms with high probability.
This paper deals with some inequalities for trigonometric and hyperbolic functions such as the Jordan inequality and its generalizations. In particular, lower and upper bounds for functions such as (sin x)/x and x/(sinh x) are proved.
Suppose we choose $N$ points uniformly randomly from a convex body in $d$ dimensions. How large must $N$ be, asymptotically with respect to $d$, so that the convex hull of the points is nearly as large as the convex body itself? It was shown by Dyer-Furedi-McDiarmid that exponentially many samples suffice when the convex body is the hypercube, and by Pivovarov that the Euclidean ball demands roughly $d^{d/2}$ samples. We show that when the convex body is the simplex, exponentially many samples suffice; this then implies the same result for any convex simplicial polytope with at most exponentially many faces.
A bar-joint framework $(G,p)$ in $mathbb{R}^d$ is rigid if the only edge-length preserving continuous motions of the vertices arise from isometries of $mathbb{R}^d$. It is known that, when $(G,p)$ is generic, its rigidity depends only on the underlying graph $G$, and is determined by the rank of the edge set of $G$ in the generic $d$-dimensional rigidity matroid $mathcal{R}_d$. Complete combinatorial descriptions of the rank function of this matroid are known when $d=1,2$, and imply that all circuits in $mathcal{R}_d$ are generically rigid in $mathbb{R}^d$ when $d=1,2$. Determining the rank function of $mathcal{R}_d$ is a long standing open problem when $dgeq 3$, and the existence of non-rigid circuits in $mathcal{R}_d$ for $dgeq 3$ is a major contributing factor to why this problem is so difficult. We begin a study of non-rigid circuits by characterising the non-rigid circuits in $mathcal{R}_d$ which have at most $d+6$ vertices.
Famous Redheffers inequality is generalized to a class of anti-periodic functions. We apply the novel inequality to the generalized trigonometric functions and establish several Redheffer-type inequalities for these functions.
Bernstein inequalities and inverse theorems are a recent development in the theory of radial basis function(RBF) approximation. The purpose of this paper is to extend what is known by deriving $L^p$ Bernstein inequalities for RBF networks on $mathbb{R}^d$. These inequalities involve bounding a Bessel-potential norm of an RBF network by its corresponding $L^p$ norm in terms of the separation radius associated with the network. The Bernstein inequalities will then be used to prove the corresponding inverse theorems.