Nonlinear magnetic diffusivity and alpha tensors in helical turbulence

Abstract in English

The effect of a dynamo-generated mean magnetic field of Beltrami type on the mean electromotive force is studied. In the absence of the mean magnetic field the turbulence is assumed to be homogeneous and isotropic, but it becomes inhomogeneous and anisotropic with this field. Using the testfield method the dependence of the alpha and turbulent diffusivity tensors on the magnetic Reynolds number Rm is determined for magnetic fields that have reached approximate equipartition with the velocity field. The tensor components are characterized by a pseudoscalar alpha and a scalar turbulent magnetic diffusivity etat. Increasing Rm from 2 to 600 reduces etat by a factor ~5, suggesting that the quenching of etat is, in contrast to the 2-dimensional case, only weakly dependent on Rm. Over the same range of Rm, however, alpha is reduced by a factor ~14, which can qualitatively be explained by a corresponding increase of a magnetic contribution to the alpha effect with opposite sign. The level of fluctuations of alpha and etat is only 10% and 20% of the respective kinematic reference values.
