Neutron scattering study of the oxypnictide superconductor La(O,F)FeAs

Abstract in English

The newly discovered superconductor La(O,F)FeAs (Tc = 26 K) was investigated using the neutron scattering technique. No spin-density-wave (SDW) order was observed in the normal state nor in the superconducting state, both with and without an applied magnetic field of 9 T, consistent with the proposal that SDW and superconductivity are competing in the laminar materials. While our inelastic measurements offer no constraints on the spin dynamic response from d-wave pairing, an upper limit for the magnetic resonance peak predicted from an extended s-wave pairing mechanism is provided. Our measurements also support the energy scale of the calculated phonon spectrum which is used in electron-phonon coupling theory, and fails to produce the high observed Tc.
