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Astronomical imaging using aperture synthesis telescopes requires deconvolution of the point spread function as well as calibration of instrumental and atmospheric effects. In general, such effects are time-variable and vary across the field of view as well, resulting in direction-dependent (DD), time-varying gains. Most existing imaging and calibration algorithms assume that the corruptions are direction independent, preventing even moderate dynamic range full-beam, full-Stokes imaging. We present a general framework for imaging algorithms which incorporate DD errors. We describe as well an iterative deconvolution algorithm that corrects known DD errors due to the antenna power patterns and pointing errors for high dynamic range full-beam polarimetric imaging. Using simulations we demonstrate that errors due to realistic primary beams as well as antenna pointing errors will limit the dynamic range of upcoming higher sensitivity instruments and that our new algorithm can be used to correct for such errors. We have applied this algorithm to VLA 1.4 GHz observations of a field that contains two ``4C sources and have obtained Stokes-I and -V images with systematic errors that are one order of magnitude lower than those obtained with conventional imaging tools. Our simulations show that on data with no other calibration errors, the algorithm corrects pointing errors as well as errors due to known asymmetries in the antenna pattern.
The new generation of radio interferometers is characterized by high sensitivity, wide fields of view and large fractional bandwidth. To synthesize the deepest images enabled by the high dynamic range of these instruments requires us to take into account the direction-dependent Jones matrices, while estimating the spectral properties of the sky in the imaging and deconvolution algorithms. In this paper we discuss and implement a wide-band wide-field spectral deconvolution framework (DDFacet) based on image plane faceting, that takes into account generic direction-dependent effects. Specifically, we present a wide-field co-planar faceting scheme, and discuss the various effects that need to be taken into account to solve for the deconvolution problem (image plane normalization, position-dependent PSF, etc). We discuss two wide-band spectral deconvolution algorithms based on hybrid matching pursuit and sub-space optimisation respectively. A few interesting technical features incorporated in our imager are discussed, including baseline dependent averaging, which has the effect of improving computing efficiency. The version of DDFacet presented here can account for any externally defined Jones matrices and/or beam patterns.
Radio astronomical imaging using aperture synthesis telescopes requires deconvolution of the point spread function as well as calibration of the instrumental characteristics (primary beam) and foreground (ionospheric/atmospheric) effects. These effects vary in time and also across the field of view, resulting in directionally-dependent (DD), time-varying gains. The primary beam will deviate from the theoretical estimate in real cases at levels that will limit the dynamic range of images if left uncorrected. Ionospheric electron density variations cause time and position variable refraction of sources. At low frequencies and sufficiently high dynamic range this will also defocus the images producing error patterns that vary with position and also with frequency due to the chromatic aberration of synthesis telescopes. Superposition of such residual sidelobes can lead to spurious spectral signals. Field-based ionospheric calibration as well as peeling calibration of strong sources leads to images with higher dynamic range and lower spurious signals but will be limited by sensitivity on the necessary short-time scales. The results are improved images although some artifacts remain.
The quality of images of the Sun obtained from the ground are severely limited by the perturbing effect of the turbulent Earths atmosphere. The post-facto correction of the images to compensate for the presence of the atmosphere require the combination of high-order adaptive optics techniques, fast measurements to freeze the turbulent atmosphere and very time consuming blind deconvolution algorithms. Under mild seeing conditions, blind deconvolution algorithms can produce images of astonishing quality. They can be very competitive with those obtained from space, with the huge advantage of the flexibility of the instrumentation thanks to the direct access to the telescope. In this contribution we leverage deep learning techniques to significantly accelerate the blind deconvolution process and produce corrected images at a peak rate of ~100 images per second. We present two different architectures that produce excellent image corrections with noise suppression while maintaining the photometric properties of the images. As a consequence, polarimetric signals can be obtained with standard polarimetric modulation without any significant artifact. With the expected improvements in computer hardware and algorithms, we anticipate that on-site real-time correction of solar images will be possible in the near future.
We consider the nonparametric estimation of the density function of weakly and strongly dependent processes with noisy observations. We show that in the ordinary smooth case the optimal bandwidth choice can be influenced by long range dependence, as opposite to the standard case, when no noise is present. In particular, if the dependence is moderate the bandwidth, the rates of mean-square convergence and, additionally, central limit theorem are the same as in the i.i.d. case. If the dependence is strong enough, then the bandwidth choice is influenced by the strength of dependence, which is different when compared to the non-noisy case. Also, central limit theorem are influenced by the strength of dependence. On the other hand, if the density is supersmooth, then long range dependence has no effect at all on the optimal bandwidth choice.
We present a method for subtracting point sources from interferometric radio images via forward modeling of the instrument response and involving an algebraic nonlinear minimization. The method is applied to simulated maps of the Murchison Wide-field Array but is generally useful in cases where only image data are available. After source subtraction, the residual maps have no statistical difference to the expected thermal noise distribution at all angular scales, indicating high effectiveness in the subtraction. Simulations indicate that the errors in recovering the source parameters decrease with increasing signal-to-noise ratio, which is consistent with the theoretical measurement errors. In applying the technique to simulated snapshot observations with the Murchison Wide-field Array, we found that all 101 sources present in the simulation were recovered with an average position error of 10 arcsec and an average flux density error of 0.15%. This led to a dynamic range increase of approximately 3 orders of magnitude. Since all the sources were deconvolved jointly, the subtraction was not limited by source sidelobes but by thermal noise. This technique is a promising deconvolution method for upcoming radio arrays with a huge number of elements, and a candidate for the difficult task of subtracting foreground sources from observations of the 21 cm neutral Hydrogen signal from the epoch of reionization.