Different Schemes of Neutrino Oscillations in MOssbauer Neutrino Experiment

Abstract in English

We comment on the paper On application of the time-energy uncertainty relation to Mossbauer neutrino experiments (see arXiv: 0803.1424) in which our paper Time-energy uncertainty relations for neutrino oscillation and Mossbauer neutrino experiment (see arXiv: 0803.0527) has been criticized. We argue that this critique is a result of misinterpretation: The authors of (arXiv: 0803.1424) do not take into account (or do not accept) the fact that at present there exist different schemes of neutrino oscillations which can not be distinguished in usual neutrino oscillation experiments. We stress that a recently proposed Mossbauer neutrino experiment provides the unique possibility to discriminate basically different approaches to oscillations of flavor neutrinos.
