A historically important but little known debate regarding the necessity and meaning of macroscopic superpositions, in particular those containing different gravitational fields, is discussed from a modern perspective.
The symmetry of quantum theory under time reversal has long been a subject of controversy because the transition probabilities given by Borns rule do not apply backward in time. Here, we resolve this problem within a rigorous operational probabilistic framework. We argue that reconciling time reversal with the probabilistic rules of the theory requires a notion of operation that permits realizations via both pre- and post-selection. We develop the generalized formulation of quantum theory that stems from this approach and give a precise definition of time-reversal symmetry, emphasizing a previously overlooked distinction between states and effects. We prove an analogue of Wigners theorem, which characterizes all allowed symmetry transformations in this operationally time-symmetric quantum theory. Remarkably, we find larger classes of symmetry transformations than those assumed before. This suggests a possible direction for search of extensions of known physics.
We formulate a novel approach to decoherence based on neglecting observationally inaccessible correlators. We apply our formalism to a renormalised interacting quantum field theoretical model. Using out-of-equilibrium field theory techniques we show that the Gaussian von Neumann entropy for a pure quantum state increases to the interacting thermal entropy. This quantifies decoherence and thus measures how classical our pure state has become. The decoherence rate is equal to the single particle decay rate in our model. We also compare our approach to existing approaches to decoherence in a simple quantum mechanical model. We show that the entropy following from the perturbative master equation suffers from physically unacceptable secular growth.
An entanglement measure for a bipartite quantum system is a state functional that vanishes on separable states and that does not increase under separable (local) operations. It is well-known that for pure states, essentially all entanglement measures are equal to the v. Neumann entropy of the reduced state, but for mixed states, this uniqueness is lost. In quantum field theory, bipartite systems are associated with causally disjoint regions. There are no separable (normal) states to begin with when the regions touch each other, so one must leave a finite safety-corridor. Due to this corridor, the normal states of bipartite systems are necessarily mixed, and the v. Neumann entropy is not a good entanglement measure in the above sense. In this paper, we study various entanglement measures which vanish on separable states, do not increase under separable (local) operations, and have other desirable properties. In particular, we study the relative entanglement entropy, defined as the minimum relative entropy between the given state and an arbitrary separable state. We establish rigorous upper and lower bounds in various quantum field theoretic (QFT) models, as well as also model-independent ones. The former include free fields on static spacetime manifolds in general dimensions, or integrable models with factorizing $S$-matrix in 1+1 dimensions. The latter include bounds on ground states in general conformal QFTs, charged states (including charges with braid-group statistics) or thermal states in theories satisfying a nuclearity condition. Typically, the bounds show a divergent behavior when the systems get close to each other--sometimes of the form of a generalized area law--and decay when the systems are far apart. Our main technical tools are of operator algebraic nature.
Most physicists do not have patience for reading long and obscure interpretation arguments and disputes. Hence, to attract attention of a wider physics community, in this paper various old and new aspects of quantum interpretations are explained in a concise and simple (almost trivial) form. About the Copenhagen interpretation, we note that there are several differen
One of the most basic notions in physics is the partitioning of a system into subsystems, and the study of correlations among its parts. In this work, we explore these notions in the context of quantum reference frame (QRF) covariance, in which this partitioning is subject to a symmetry constraint. We demonstrate that different reference frame perspectives induce different sets of subsystem observable algebras, which leads to a gauge-invariant, frame-dependent notion of subsystems and entanglement. We further demonstrate that subalgebras which commute before imposing the symmetry constraint can translate into non-commuting algebras in a given QRF perspective after symmetry imposition. Such a QRF perspective does not inherit the distinction between subsystems in terms of the corresponding tensor factorizability of the kinematical Hilbert space and observable algebra. Since the condition for this to occur is contingent on the choice of QRF, the notion of subsystem locality is frame-dependent.