We discuss a technique and a material system that enable the controlled realization of quantum entanglement between spin-wave modes of electron ensembles in two spatially separated pieces of semiconductor material. The approach uses electron ensembles in GaAs quantum wells that are located inside optical waveguides. Bringing the electron ensembles in a quantum Hall state gives selection rules for optical transitions across the gap that can selectively address the two electron spin states. Long-lived superpositions of these electron spin states can then be controlled with a pair of optical fields that form a resonant Raman system. Entangled states of spin-wave modes are prepared by applying quantum-optical measurement techniques to optical signal pulses that result from Raman transitions in the electron ensembles.
Engineering and studying few-electron states in ballistic conductors is a key step towards understanding entanglement in quantum electronic systems. In this Letter, we introduce the intrinsic two-electron coherence of an electronic source in quantum Hall edge channels and relate it to two-electron wavefunctions and to current noise in an Hanbury Brown--Twiss interferometer. Inspired by the analogy with photon quantum optics, we propose to measure the intrinsic two-electron coherence of a source using low-frequency current correlation measurements at the output of a Franson interferometer. To illustrate this protocol, we discuss how it can distinguish between a time-bin entangled pure state and a statistical mixture of time shifted electron pairs.
In this paper, we review recent developments in the emerging field of electron quantum optics, stressing analogies and differences with the usual case of photon quantum optics. Electron quantum optics aims at preparing, manipulating and measuring coherent single electron excitations propagating in ballistic conductors such as the edge channels of a 2DEG in the integer quantum Hall regime. Because of the Fermi statistics and the presence of strong interactions, electron quantum optics exhibits new features compared to the usual case of photon quantum optics. In particular, it provides a natural playground to understand decoherence and relaxation effects in quantum transport.
The recent developments of electron quantum optics in quantum Hall edge channels have given us new ways to probe the behavior of electrons in quantum conductors. It has brought new quantities called electronic coherences under the spotlight. In this paper, we explore the relations between electron quantum optics and signal processing through a global review of the various methods for accessing single- and two-electron coherences in electron quantum optics. We interpret electron quantum optics interference experiments as analog signal processing converting quantum signals into experimentally observable quantities such as current averages and correlations. This point of view also gives us a procedure to obtain quantum information quantities from electron quantum optics coherences. We illustrate these ideas by discussing two mode entanglement in electron quantum optics. We also sketch how signal processing ideas may open new perspectives for representing electronic coherences in quantum conductors and understand the properties of the underlying many-body electronic state.
Spin waves have risen as promising candidate information carriers for the next generation of information technologies. Recent experimental demonstrations of their detection using electron spins in diamond pave the way towards studying the back-action of a controllable paramagnetic spin bath on the spin waves. Here, we present a quantum theory describing the interaction between spin waves and paramagnetic spins. As a case study we consider an ensemble of nitrogen-vacancy spins in diamond in the vicinity of an Yttrium-Iron-Garnet thin film. We show how the back-action of the ensemble results in strong and tuneable modifications of the spin-wave spectrum and propagation properties. These modifications include the full suppression of spin-wave propagation and, in a different parameter regime, the enhancement of their propagation length by $sim 50%$. Furthermore, we show how the spin wave thermal fluctuations induce a measurable frequency shift of the paramagnetic spins in the bath. This shift results in a thermal dispersion force that can be measured optically and/or mechanically with a diamond mechanical resonator. In addition, we use our theory to compute the spin wave-mediated interaction between the spins in the bath. We show that all the above effects are measurable by state-of-the-art experiments. Our results provide the theoretical foundation for describing hybrid quantum systems of spin waves and spin baths, and establish the potential of quantum spins as active control, sensing, and interfacing tools for spintronics.
Motivated by recent progress in electron quantum optics, we revisit the question of single-electron entanglement, specifically whether the state of a single electron in a superposition of two separate spatial modes should be considered entangled. We first discuss a gedanken experiment with single-electron sources and detectors, and demonstrate deterministic (i. e. without post-selection) Bell inequality violation. This implies that the single-electron state is indeed entangled and, furthermore, nonlocal. We then present an experimental scheme where single-electron entanglement can be observed via measurements of the average currents and zero-frequency current cross-correlators in an electronic Hanbury Brown-Twiss interferometer driven by Lorentzian voltage pulses. We show that single-electron entanglement is detectable under realistic operating conditions. Our work settles the question of single-electron entanglement and opens promising perspectives for future experiments.