On the giant magnon and spike solutions for strings on AdS$_3times$ S$^3$

Abstract in English

We study solutions for the rotating strings on the sphere with a background NS-NS field and on the Anti-de-Sitter spacetime. We show the existence of magnon and single spike solutions on R$times$S$^2$ in the presence of constant magnetic field as two limiting cases. We also study the solution for strings on AdS$_3times$ S$^3$ with Melvin deformation. The dispersion relations among various conserved charges are shown to receive finite corrections due to the deformation parameter. We further study the rotating string on AdS$_3 times$ S$^3$ geometry with two conserved angular momenta on S$^3$ and one spin along the AdS$_3$. We show that there exists two kinds of solutions: a circular string solution and a helical string. We find out the dispersion relation among various charges and give physical interpretation of these solutions.
