Growth rate for the expected value of a generalized random Fibonacci sequence

Abstract in English

A random Fibonacci sequence is defined by the relation g_n = | g_{n-1} +/- g_{n-2} |, where the +/- sign is chosen by tossing a balanced coin for each n. We generalize these sequences to the case when the coin is unbalanced (denoting by p the probability of a +), and the recurrence relation is of the form g_n = |lambda g_{n-1} +/- g_{n-2} |. When lambda >=2 and 0 < p <= 1, we prove that the expected value of g_n grows exponentially fast. When lambda = lambda_k = 2 cos(pi/k) for some fixed integer k>2, we show that the expected value of g_n grows exponentially fast for p>(2-lambda_k)/4 and give an algebraic expression for the growth rate. The involved methods extend (and correct) those introduced in a previous paper by the second author.
